Cats and dogs on alert for bird flu in sea lions

as quantity sea ​​lion Concern about the epidemic of atypical behavior increased due to avian influenza, and some authorities closed beaches until the situation stabilized. This phenomenon spreading in Argentina is neither new nor indigenous, it started late last year in Ecuador, spread to Latin America, reached Chile, in April they reported 1,535 infections in sea lions and 730 in penguins, and they are currently Analyze this phenomenon. Uruguay.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Between 2022 and 2023, the Americas region will experience Avian Influenza In highly pathogenic animals associated with subtype A (H5N1)” and “This epidemic causes high morbidity and mortality in poultry such as hens, chicks and wild birds; this poses a real threat to the animals , also poses a potential threat to humans. “

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