Coepris and hoteliers step up Legionella prevention

Ensenada, British Columbia

To enhance measures and avoid health risks in the event of an outbreak, the National Council for Health Risk Prevention (Coepris BC) has partnered with the Ensenada Hotel and Motel Association to offer courses on preventing Legionella-related illnesses.
Erwin Areizaga Uribe, state commissioner for Coepris, British Columbia, explained that the disease is caused by a bacteria that thrives in high-humidity environments and thanked the city’s 40 hotels for their interest in training staff to avoid acute respiratory infections such as pneumonia.
55 people from these establishments attended the presentation, during which the importance of correct maintenance of showers, sink faucets, jacuzzis, hydromassage tubs, drinking fountains or decorative accessories with important liquids was explained, since this bacteria thrives in fresh water , which is why you must pay extra attention to cleanliness.

The official explained that all hotels and motels are required to clean all these areas with chlorinated water, in addition to monitoring water tanks or tanks to prevent the spread of this or other bacteria.
People who develop an acute respiratory infection after a stay in a hotel or even while in a hotel should report to a health worker to receive medical care.
Legionnaires’ disease is very similar to other types of pneumonia (lung infection); symptoms include: cough, difficulty breathing, fever, muscle aches, and headache.
People most susceptible to such infections are smokers or ex-smokers and people who have or have had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Areizaga Uribe provides telephone numbers for different regional units: Mexicali (686) 557-01-58, Tijuana (664) 608-00-75, Ensenada (646) 175-70-03 and (661) 110- 71-66 in San Quentin.

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