Confirmations arrive: Predore filming Netflix movie with Charlize Theron and Uma Thurman

Filming for The Old Guard 2 will begin in August. The checks would have already been made. However, two stars will not stay overnight in Sebino…

No spoilers, in the full “spirit” of Netflix. However, some information is already leaking. Also, because there is very little left to complete the authorization process: the question of the stamp, and then the Bergamo side of Sebino can finally turn into a set old guard 2the sequel to a sci-fi film produced on one of the most important streaming platforms in the world.

Sebino is like Cinderella: after years in the shadow of her “half-sisters” – in this case Lakes Como and Lake Garda – she has the opportunity to redeem herself and marry her charming prince. Which in this case is the “princess”: the star of the film, in fact, is none other than the actress and model. Charlize Theron. Which (at least, so there are rumors on the net) could be accompanied by another timeless film star: Uma Thurman.

Poster “The Old Guard 1”

If everything goes as it should, as reported Echo of Bergamo and, as we have already expected, from the end of July to the first days of August, the magnificent coast of the Predore will be the backdrop for the final scenes of the film, where the beauty of the lake will mix with the pure adrenaline of the car. chases, naturally filmed as understudies. And then there is all the organizational equipment: the base camp of the troupe, which will probably be set up in Predor, between the port of Ponekla and the territory near the camp; vans; serial cars; cameras; truck; drones; tourist buses that will have to be parked somewhere.

Rumor has it that senior production management is already on site to study every organizational step in great detail, from road management (which will inevitably have to be shared between filming and mere mortals) to permits, right down to the best shots for filming scenes. There is no doubt that the set will arrive in the lower Sebino at an “unfortunate” moment, when tourism reigns at the height of the summer season, and there are not enough parking spaces. Fortunately, from this point of view, Hollywood will be able to breathe a sigh of relief: apparently, several parking spaces have already been identified where the troupe’s caravan can be placed.

Meanwhile, traders and managers in the country are already in arrhythmia. Who knows, maybe some movie star will decide to dine right in their restaurant. Even if the hope of meeting two absolute stars – Charlize Theron and Uma Thurman – is unfortunately fading: actresses of their caliber do not stay in hotels that are not five-star ultra-luxuries and similar structures on Sebino (yet). does not exist. According to the assumptions, the Hollywood divas will therefore stay on Lake Como and get to the Bergamo area aboard a private helicopter. It’s time to record your own scenes and then return to the hotel.

Of course, up until the final clearance stamp, you should take all this information with a grain of salt. Nobody speaks, not even the mayors, even if the municipality of Predore allowed itself a small spoiler on social networks a few days ago. We just have to wait for the final confirmation: the fatal “clap, turn”.

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