Cosmetics and Nutraceuticals | “Top” Foods for Healthy Skin and “Menus” for Improving Acne or Cellulite

From the beginning of his career two mottos guided him Paula Martin Clarepharmacist, nutritionist, cosmetics expert: As Hippodia said: “Let your medicine be your food, and your food your medicine.”the father of modern medicine; and “We are what we eat,” is a saying coined by German philosopher and anthropologist Ludwig Feuerbach.. Those last words guided Paula’s mother in her efforts to improve the fragile health of her daughter, who suffered from multiple allergies, asthma and atopic dermatitis, for which she visited multiple hospitals. I printed and highlighted all articles published on new treatments. He provides him with three types of nuts and fruit as snacks every day and creates a menu based on a recipe book that contains “100 of the healthiest foods.”

Paula discovered As he refined his menu, his illness improved., and decided to pursue a career as a priest. “I’ve known all my life that my mission in this world is to help everyone on the other side of a mobile screen,” says the creator of the Instagram account @famanutriconsejo (which has 36,200 followers). Now, he has condensed his knowledge and experience into a book, “The health of your skin depends on what you eat” (Zenith)a guide “Top” foods for beautiful skin Recipes to improve common conditions like acne, cellulite, and even stop gray hair And prevent hair loss.

For example, did you know that “having dry skin Must consume Omega-3 fatty acidsfound in fish such as salmon or mackerel”? Or “Dairy products are not recommended for oily skin, except for those containing probiotics, such as kefir”?

Improve acne

One of the most common problems with this last type of skin is acne (when oil and dead cells clog hair follicles).Martin Clares assures that “we must avoid those that lead to insulin spike: Soft drinks, candies, pastries or cookies, which can cause skin irritation. “Also keep in mind that the American Academy of Dermatology states that all types of milk (whole-fat, low-fat, and skim) linked to acne.about chocolateAnother classic “brown beast” of acne treatments, pharmacists explain that you should avoid medicines containing sugar and milk and recommend taking At least 80% cocoa.

Reduce cellulite

First, the authors warn that “it can be prevented and reduced, but anyone who says it can be 100 percent eliminated is wrong.” Diet has mixed effects on the so-called depressive syndrome. Tangerine skin. If you want to stay queued, You must reduce salt in meals and processed foods and prepared foods, as well as fried foods, sugar, and refined flours, as well as soft drinks, caffeine, and meat (beef and pork).On the other hand, one should bet on Whole grains, fruits and vegetables, iron-rich foods and oily fish Two to three times a week.

stop gray hair

Gray hair is hair that lacks melanin.Lack of certain micronutrients, e.g. zinc, copper or iron, is associated with the loss of hair pigmentation and therefore premature graying of hair.Foods that delay the appearance of gray hair are rich foods These nutrients include calcium and B vitamins. Such as salmon, sardines, broccoli, lentils, spinach, carrots, eggs… If you are looking for Strengthens hair and prevents hair loss you must eat rich in Eggs, avocado, blue fish, spinach, kiwi and nuts.

10 “Top” Foods

Like that recipe book her mother consulted a thousand times, Paula Martin Clairs included a chapter in her work on The Ten Best Food Commandments for “Healthy, Glowing” Skin.It also warns readers of the most harmful and Factors that accelerate our aging: “Trans fats, sugar, salt, coffee, red meat, simple carbohydrates, alcohol, very spicy foods, sugary soft drinks and fried foods.”

1️⃣ Blue fish (salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel): Thanks to the contribution of Omega 3, they keep the skin hydrated, strong and supple. They contain vitamin E and are rich in antioxidants.

2️⃣ green tea: Its polyphenols (antioxidants) protect against sun exposure and strengthen the immune system. Important: Do not mix it with milk as it will reduce the effectiveness of the antioxidants.

3️⃣ avocado: It is rich in vitamins E, C and K and contains healthy fats (omega 3), potassium and magnesium to protect against oxidative damage.

4️⃣ Walnut: In addition to omega 3 and vitamin E, they also contain iron, zinc and selenium.

5️⃣ Sunflower seeds: Excellent source of zinc, which has great anti-inflammatory properties.

6️⃣ Soybeans: This small legume contains isoflavones, which help reduce wrinkles and give skin elasticity. It is also rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6, copper and vitamin K, which have powerful healing powers. It protects skin cells from ultraviolet radiation, thereby reducing the risk of certain skin cancers.

7️⃣ turmeric: Known as a “miracle” plant for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant abilities.

8️⃣ broccoli: In addition to zinc, vitamins A and C, it is rich in lutein, a carotenoid that acts similarly to beta-carotene (protecting the skin from oxidative damage).

9️⃣ tomato: Source of vitamins C and K and important carotene (sun protection). Important: Carotenoids absorption increases if you combine them with a fat source, cheese or olive oil.

🔟 dark chocolate: It contains high amounts of antioxidants that improve skin texture.

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