Created a registry of entities working on HIV, hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections and tuberculosis – Ministry of Health

Public health systems coordinate data updates to make shared progress toward permanent promotion and engagement.

Created a registry of entities working on HIV, hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections and tuberculosis – Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health of Jujuy Province informed the community that on August 14, resolution 591/23 was adopted, approving the establishment of a provincial registry of groups, organizations and networks working on HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections. (STI) and tuberculosis.

At the request of the PromSalud Jujuy Civil Association, the Health Department officially established the registry, whose references will be brought within the scope of the General Directorate of Institutional Affairs, Deputy Minister of General Coordination, responsible for organizing and complying with supplementary administrative acts to allow the launch of operations in order to achieve the goals of promotion and participation main target.

This instance is provided for in Law No. 27675, which declares a comprehensive and intersectoral response based on the primary health care (PHC) strategy in the national public interest, guaranteeing research, comprehensive and comprehensive prevention, diagnosis, treatment , healing, interdisciplinary assistance (social, legal, psychological, medical and pharmacological) and reducing the risks and harms of stigma, discrimination and criminalization of people living with HIV, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections and tuberculosis.

The standards clearly emphasize the importance of active participation of people living with HIV, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections and tuberculosis in the development of guidelines for the design and implementation of public policies that are consistent with the international treaties to which our country is a signatory.

The Provincial Registry is live and can be found at Entities must fill in a form indicating name, address, location, contact information, legal status, authorities and/or, among other data, the references, activities and objectives it develops.

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