Cusano Italia TV and Radio Cusano Campus: latest events and announcements from 31 July to 6 August

Cusano Italia TV and Radio Cusano Campus: latest events and announcements from 31 July to 6 August

Cusano Italia TV and Radio Cusano Campus are ready to offer an exciting week full of news, culture and lots of secrets!

From football to show business, like every Monday from 10:00 to 11:00 on the radio broadcast on the channels of Radio Cusano Campus, there is “Ferrero not only sports”. Anecdotes, backstory from the world of football, entertainment and television: the week in Cusano starts off great, many guests are connected to the green rectangle and more. Every Monday morning we will communicate in joy and, above all, without any filters. It will be fun!

Culture, current events, and many interviews relating to the art world, it’s all State of the Art. With Cesare Biasini Selvaggi this week we will have the opportunity to get to know each other better: Cristina Masturzo, art market expert; Stefania Filisola, Director of Catawiki Luxury Goods; Umberto Vattani, President of the Venice International University; Nicoletta Bazzano, University of Cagliari; Rosella Iobbi, Barbie Museum in Ripatransone and Massimiliano Capella, fashion and costume historian. “Stato del Arte”, broadcast every Thursday from 21:30 to 23:30, always on Cusano Italia TV.

Burnout and resilience, this is the name of the new episode “The Future is Now”, which will be broadcast this Friday at 21:30 on Cusano Italia TV (channels 234 and 264 of digital terrestrial television). To guide us into the unexplored realms of our present will be Janet De Nardis, and with her this week also Flavia Munafo, clinical sociologist and adviser to the director of the Sociodonna counter, as well as actors and content creators Matteo Montapertura, Alessia Francescangeli and Riccardo Giacomini. In connection with the study of the “Future Now” also Giovanni Bonati, President Ass. Digital World and Angelica Massera, Content Creator.

Saturday is full of secrets with Mindetective. The August 5th episode, titled “DARKSIDE: Complexities and Mysteries of Showbiz,” will take us on a journey to the dark side of the entertainment world.

With Valeria Rossi, from 17:00 to 19:00 on Cusano Italia Tv, controversial issues regarding the world of entertainment and the celebrities who inhabit it will be discussed. The episode’s special guest, Maurizio Guccini, is a well-known speaker and music expert who will provide input and insight into the complex theories surrounding the undead celebrities, Walt Disney mysteries, and the possible replacement of Britney Spears with a clone. . In a word, many answers to the most common conspiracies.

At the weekend, Tu Rimani a Lunch returns to Cusano, broadcast every Saturday and Sunday from 13:00 to 14:00 on Cusano Italia TV. Together with Turi Morikka this week we will learn new recipes and do it together with new special guests. The guests of the August 05 issue were the actresses of the RAI program “Il Paradiso delle Signore” Neva Leoni, Ilaria Rossi and Giulia Petrungaro.

On Sunday, August 06, it will be the turn of actress Giulia Greco, singer Agnese Valle and guitarist Annalisa Baldi in Turi’s kitchen.

Together with Arianna Galati, there was no shortage of sports news on Cusano Italia Tv this Sunday! Special guest of the “Gli Sportivi della Domenica” program of July 30: Mauro Berruti, former coach of the Italian national volleyball team, and now deputy head of sports of the DP. The former Blue expressed deep doubts and criticism of the electoral system of the Italian sports federations, even defining it as a “monarchist system”. In the same episode also journalist Giuliana Lorenzo, Marialaura Scatena and journalist Dario De Fenu. Watch or listen to the entire episode on the Cusano Italia Tv and Radio Cusano Campus website.

Fabio Camillacci and Lorenzo Capezzuoli Ranki are back to host “Gazzetta Ladra” scheduled for Cusano’s summer on the radio. Once again, this time the topics covered by the duo Camillacci – Capezzuoli Ranchi, among the guests of this week we remember: Pietro Orlandi, brother of the late Emanuele Orlandi, lawyer Fabio Schembri, lawyer for Olindo Romano and Rosa Bazzi, professor Antonio Nicaso, essayist, ‘Ndrangheta expert and historian mafia, Antonio Bordoni, aviation safety expert, Aroldo Curzi Mattei, president of the Enrico Mattei Foundation, Andrea De Filippis, journalist and former Formula 1 driver, and many others. Listen to “Gazzetta Ladra” Monday to Friday from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm on the Radio Cusano campus.

Always on the air every day from Monday to Friday from 6 to 8 pm on the Radio Cusano campus, tune in because there is “Tequila Boom Boomer”. Lots of shots of young and old music along with the bartenders Bussoletti and Arianna Karamanti. Tequila Boom Boomer, a shot of young music and not in the worst bars of the Radio Cusano campus.

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