cut a 45-minute sequence with Thanos

Avengers Infinity War, a juicy background revealed: a 45-minute sequence with Thanos was cut.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe, in recent years, has done something incredible that had never succeeded before. In practice, the MCU has created a film series with a boundless number of films joined together. Stories are told through phases in which a lot of things happen.

Thanos in the foreground (Photo from Instagram) –

The first three phases were undoubtedly the most loved by the fans. The fourth phase has disappointed and not a little expectations: the lack of is felt so much actors (and their characters) from the likes of Robert Downeney Junior, Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson. Among the most beautiful films of the MCU, it is impossible not to mention ‘Avengers: Infinity War’.

The first act of the latest Avengers product shocked all those who went to the cinema in no small way. The plot, the heart-pounding pace, the characterization of each hero brought to the screens, the union and the feeling among the various characters, a masterfully constructed villain (Thanos is currently the best Marvel villain) and his victory in the finale, with the elimination of 50% of the population, left fans (and not only) breathless and speechless. After 5 years, important details still arrive on the film in question. The last backstory surprised everyone: a 45-minute sequence with Thanos was cut.

Avengers Infinity War: cut a 45-minute sequence with Thanos

Infinity War is probably the best Avengers movie. Fans will never forget the emotions of this film, with the final twist and victory of Thanos who kills half of our heroes and above all 50% of living beings.

Thanos toy (Pixabay photo) –

The first part of the film revolves around the mad titan’s search for the Gems: when Thor’s spaceship is attacked, the antagonist already had the power gem conquered, however, off screen.

Thanos, in fact, in the film conquers the other 5 gems because the first was already in his possession. The fans don’t know how he did it: he just comes told, but not shown.

Thanos toy (Pixabay) –

According to some prominent insiders, a 45-minute sequence showing Thanos’ search for the power stone was cut. The film, already very long, therefore risked becoming even more eventful. Fans, however, would surely have loved the various scenes and the hope is to see this sequence at least on Disney Plus.

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