Department of Public Health advice on scarlet fever cases

After the death of a five-year-old boy scarlet feverhe Ministry of Public Health (MSP) reports that a Group A strep outbreak has been detected at a Montevideo school and that the number of cases has increased “depending on the time of year.” These are disease-causing bacteria.

“In the outbreak described above, where three cases were reported and confirmed, we regret that a 5-year-old child died due to an infection caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, a bacterium that causes infections in children, adolescents and adults and can manifest as MSP “Severe clinical manifestations,” the statement noted. or mild clinical manifestations such as pharyngitis or scarlet fever.” He added: “Two other reported notifications correspond, one to a scarlet fever case and the other to a respiratory disease (pneumonia); both were hospitalized at home and were progressing well . “

The package offers advice on preventing the spread of the disease, which is spread through saliva droplets when you cough, talk, sneeze or touch an infected surface and then put your hands on your mouth: “Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, use a mask, wash your hands frequently , avoid sharing glasses, bottles, cutlery, towels and other personal items, ventilate the environment daily, clean and disinfect surfaces and toys, and avoid overcrowding.

Illness can appear two to five days after a person is exposed to the bacteria.

“Children with respiratory symptoms, including sore throat, should not attend educational or sports centers or social gatherings,” the statement said.

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