“Detecting hepatitis C is important to modify its course”

The importance of detecting and preventing hepatitis C

The province promotes viral hepatitis testing and awareness campaigns. The Ministry of Health informed that from July 28 to August 4, free inspections without appointments are available for early diagnosis.

In Santa Fe, the Oncology Hospital will be inaugurated at the Presidential Palace of Perón, 3,450; the Sayago Hospital, at Avenida French 5,224; the Iturraspe Hospital, at Avenida Blas Parera, 8,300; and the Cemafe, Calle Mendoza 2,419.

read more: Viral Hepatitis Testing and Awareness Campaign Continues Through August 4th

In this regard, Dr. Fernando Marozzi at play in the sun About their Hepatitis C awareness campaign with emphasis on its prevention. “This is a chronic infection, a virus that affects the world. It is estimated that the infection rate of the world’s population is 1% to 2%.he explained.

Additionally, he pointed out some of the symptoms the virus can trigger: “It’s a fairly common and silent disease. A person with hepatitis may have no symptoms. Only when it reaches the lab due to altered liver function can a diagnosis be called for”.

In turn, medical experts have emphasized the importance of detecting the disease as quickly as possible. “Prevention is very important in medicine. In the case of hepatitis C, it is important to detect it in order to modify its course”Marozzi said.

Additionally, he revealed: “It’s one of the few chronic infections that can be cured. The success rate can be 100 percent, but all current treatments are over 95 percent, which is very encouraging.”

Finally, he emphasized: “It’s a short-term treatment, it’s taken orally, and it’s free with insurance.”

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