Diuretic herbs to remove toxins from the body

Kakha is a medicinal plant that has anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties that help fight many diseases.

Likewise, it helps control blood pressure: Due to the diuretic effect, kakha can increase the drainage of fluid in the body, which makes it easier for the blood vessels to release blood, thereby reducing the pressure on the arterial walls.

Chamomile tea is carminative and helps reduce stomach upset. Photo: Getty Images.

It contains several key substances that eliminate toxins. | Photos: Image Getty Images

It also has a positive effect on gastritis. The flavonoids that make up kakeja help control stomach acid, which is why it is used in the treatment of gastritis. Likewise, it has gastroprotective properties, May reduce damage to stomach cells due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

However, it is important to keep in mind that excessive consumption of kakha can have some side effects and is contraindicated in pregnant or breastfeeding women. For these reasons, their use usually requires the direction of a doctor or other healthcare professional.

Drinking about two liters of water a day helps flush out toxins from the body. Photo: Getty Images.

Drinking about two liters of water a day helps flush out toxins from the body. Photo: Getty Images. | Photos: Image Getty Images

How to prepare an infusion of this plant?

  • 1 liter of boiling water.
  • 2 tbsp carqueja sticks (30 g)
  • First, bring a liter of water to a boil.
  • Once the boiling point is reached, add the kakoha sticks and let stand for 10 minutes.
  • Strain the drink and drink.
  • The medium recommends drinking up to 3 glasses of this infusion per day.

Tips for Eliminating Toxins

To keep your body free from toxins, it’s important to develop healthy habits. The Nosotras website points out some actions to help detoxify the body:

  1. Drink a glass of warm water with lemon on an empty stomach: This drink is the perfect ally for cleansing the body.
  2. Regular sleep: It is important to have a specific time to wake up and go to bed. This helps the brain to fall asleep.
  3. do excercise: Physical activity for at least half an hour can help stimulate blood circulation and flush out toxins.
  4. Healthy Nutrition: The site emphasizes including fruits and vegetables to flush out toxins and prevent waste buildup.
  5. Healthy Food: Sometimes people prefer to eat out. The portal states that reducing and avoiding the consumption of processed foods is very important.
  1. clam down: Stress and anxiety can cause the release of substances that are harmful to the body. Therefore, it is recommended to relax and avoid stress.
  2. No smoking: Inhaling tobacco smoke increases the level of toxins in the body. It also has different negative effects on the body.
  3. Drink detox drinks: It is recommended to drink a detox drink every three months. This helps to eliminate toxins and keep the body clean.
According to a study, lemons are the healthiest fruit in the world.

According to a study, lemons are the healthiest fruit in the world. | Photos: Getty Images

The Shamagazine portal highlights the importance of including other foods to achieve a balanced diet. Mention some products that help keep the body detoxified:

  • lemon.
  • artichoke.
  • flax.
  • Kale.
  • white tea.
  • grenade.

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