Dive operators fear bird flu could ruin their seasons

Diving operators in Puerto Madryn observed with concern cases of bird flu in sea lions, leading to measures to restrict activities. There are health concerns, as well as labor and economic concerns, as the peak diving season begins.

“We’re worried,” admitted Jorge Natale, president of the Golfo dive operators’ association. Concerns surrounding them include “economic issues because we’re ending the trough, starting the trough, and there’s a lot of people who are committed to joining. We’re worried it’s not going to get worse.”

The decision follows a proposal from the province’s flora and fauna department to the tourism ministry to begin with a fifteen-day impasse over the development of sea lion diving.

“Because the Punta Loma colony results weren’t there, they arrived as a precaution, so they closed it,” said Natale, who estimated the results would be known within the week.

The dive operators recalled that the cases occurred on different beaches along the Argentine coast, as well as in the Pacific Ocean.

“You have to be careful,” commented Jorge Natale, who warned, “This measure has been in place for 15 days, but it’s just the beginning. I’m sure nothing will be resolved in two weeks, and I think it could be more,” though he clarified that those decisions were up to experts.

“We are involved in the use of resources, but the people who know are the experts. I don’t think this group is healthy” commented the dive operator, explaining “In other places they have been closed for six months to a year. I hope This is not going to happen because the penguin season is coming and we depend on wildlife tourism. I hope it will not become obsolete, just a replacement,” said the president of the Association of Puerto Madryn Dive Operators.

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