Don’t forget to protect your skin during those last days of sunshine!

We are already facing the last days of summer, but in the coastal and warm areas of Spain we can still enjoy the bright sunshine.If you plan on getting some sun exposure during these weeks, remember You should not relax the protective measures for our skinas the risk of erythema, burns, premature aging, sun damage and skin cancer remains.

At Estetic we would like to remind you how to prepare for sunbathing in a controlled and safe way and give you some additional information to prevent injuries and know how to treat them in the worst case scenario.For this we have Iroha natural expert.

How to prepare your skin for sun exposure?

Preparing your skin is a key step in “protecting the skin’s barrier function.” Through these steps, you will help protect skin tissue from damage and avoid problems such as “dryness, sensitivity, acne, or flaking.” Here’s what experts recommend for facial care:

– Daily facial cleansing: To do this, use products that are gentle and anti-irritant, ditching astringents that can dry out your skin layers and weaken your skin barrier. Remember not to wash your face with hot water.

Moisturizing: The next step should be the support of products rich in moisturizing active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid.

– Sun protection: Important steps to ensure and daily application of sun protection, but exposure time must be controlled at the same time.

– Sun repair: Here you can use After sun exposure Deeply moisturizes and soothes sun-exposed skin. Iroha Nature offers nourishing masks with extended tanning benefits that also contain potent repairing active ingredients to improve facial firmness and elasticity.

“The main difference between sunburn and solar erythema is the severity of the injury”

In addition to following these tips, you can also enhance your skin care by eating a healthy diet that includes foods rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids. This way you can improve your skin’s health “from within.”

How can we be protected from sun damage?

Although we have prepared our skin for sun exposure, which is still a routine that can enhance the health of this organ, we cannot stop using physical elements to protect ourselves from sun damage. Otherwise, sunburn or red spots may occur. “he Solar erythema is the skin’s initial reaction to sun damage and is usually less severe than sunburn “This means that the skin will suffer more severe damage due to longer and more intense exposure to the sun.” In any case, Both are signs that the skin has been damaged by UV radiation.

Experts at Iroha Nature say you should take the following precautions:

– Use sunscreen: Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 to all exposed areas of skin. Make sure to apply a sufficient amount and reapply every 2 hours, more often if you are swimming or sweating.

– Avoid direct exposure to sunlight: Seek shade whenever possible, especially during peak hours of UV radiation, typically 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

– Wear protective clothing: Wear long-sleeved clothing, long pants, and a wide-brimmed hat that covers most of your body. Choose clothes with dense, dark-colored fabrics as they provide better protection from the sun.

– Use sunglasses: Protect your eyes from UV radiation by wearing sunglasses that block 100% of UVA and UVB rays.

-Avoid using tanning booths: Ultraviolet radiation from a tanning booth is even more intense than the sun’s radiation and can increase the risk of skin damage and skin cancer.

– Hydrate: Drink enough water to keep your skin hydrated from within. Proper hydration can help your skin recover faster from mild sun exposure.

How to deal with skin injuries?

Whether it’s a burn or solar erythema, action must be taken on the skin. Although it is true that treatment may vary slightly depending on the severity of the injury. Experts recommend we follow these steps:

“More severe sunburns may require medical attention and take longer to heal.”

– Stop sun exposure: As soon as you notice a sunburn or sunburn, move the affected skin out of the sun immediately. Seek shade or shelter indoors.

Moisturizing: Damaged skin needs moisturizing to aid the recovery process. Drink water to stay hydrated and use a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer on affected skin.

– Use a cold cloth: Apply a cool cloth or cold wet washcloth to the affected skin for 15-20 minutes, several times a day. This will help relieve burning sensation and reduce inflammation.

– Avoid using irritating products: Avoid using products containing alcohol or fragrance on burned skin as they can worsen irritation.

– Don’t pop blisters: If you get blisters from sunburn, don’t pop them. The blister acts as a protective barrier for the skin beneath it. If a blister accidentally breaks, clean it gently with soap and water and cover it with sterile gauze.

– Consult a health professional: Seek medical attention if the sunburn is severe, the blisters cover a large area of ​​skin, or if you have symptoms such as fever, weakness, or signs of infection.

“Sunburn can usually be relieved with home measures and disappear within a few days, while more severe sunburns may require medical attention and take longer to heal,” experts recall.

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