Drunk death of Tampico woman may have been cause of death

A acute gastroenteritis Acute poisoning leading to hypovolemic shock and ultimately heart attack was the cause of death in the poisoned womanreported by the Ministry of Health and Coepris.

It was also noted that as part of the analysis to determine whether any contaminants were present in the products consumed by the couple, one element of the investigation was the water in the tank at their home, which was allegedly contaminated. guano.

Health Minister Vicente Joel said: “The information I have is that the person died of gastrointestinal issues and ultimately a heart attack, but specifically they were referring to a family A restaurant or an institution I don’t know.” Hernandez Navarro.

Coepris is monitoring everything the woman and her husband eat, state officials said. Still receiving treatment in the hospital in serious condition But stable.

“We investigate everything, including food ingested, Coepris is reviewing every situation and we don’t have the data to tell you if any water or food was contaminated.”

Hernandez-Navarro added that gastroenteritis cases are very common in the population but are not as severe or develop as quickly as the case that led to the woman’s death.

What is gastroenteritis?

Gastroenteritis is inflammation of the lining of the stomach and intestines. Its main symptoms include vomiting and diarrhea. It’s usually not serious in healthy people, but can sometimes lead to dehydration or more serious symptoms.

There are two research directions

“Severe gastroenteritis, combined with severe dehydration, caused the woman to suffer from hypovolemic shock and heart disease,” Copris state commissioner Alberto Moctezuma Castillo said.

He said this was a diagnosis based on the victim’s death certificate. My husband is still very serious Kidney failure due to acute dehydration.

The head of the National Health Risk Prevention Commission announced, two lines of research on the cause of the woman’s death.

One is food, fish and vegetables One was for the couple to eat, and the other was for water from their water tank. The sanitary conditions were very poor.

“Initially we thought about the fish issue, considering the improper handling of the fish, and through investigation and investigation we learned that they were eaten after being defrosted for so many hours, so improper handling of seafood at home could be a reason. “

The old man died of poisoning after eating spoiled fish. | Darkroom
The fish were in poor condition. | Darkroom

He added that another reason was the poor quality of water in the home as it was detected that the water was not chlorinated and when the water tank was checked it was found to be open and clogged.

“They tested the quality of the water and found that there was no chlorine in it. We saw a lot of bird droppings and bird feathers, so a water sample was taken and analyzed at the national laboratory to determine if there was chlorine.” Bacteria, amoeba or some other condition, but “we feel like that’s where the focus of infection is.”

Moctezuma-Castillo noted that nothing is certain until the lab results are in, which will be released next week.

“Perhaps the vegetables they were eating were washed with tap water and if not chlorinated, it could be that’s why we saw all the contamination, but we’re still investigating to confirm that,” he noted.

Shanjin Haining

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