eat healthy breakfasts, lunches and dinners

One of the daily challenges is thinking about what to prepare or eat to be truly healthy. Have you ever encountered this situation? What the medical literature recommends is a plate with the correct and balanced amounts of carbohydrates, vegetables and protein.

However, while food is important to healthy living, moving it from theory to practice means many people don’t take this step.

Dr. Cindy Rios, a food professional nutritionist, said that the secret of diet is to eat the foods you like. “To eat healthy, there is nothing more twists and turns than eating foods that you don’t like.” Like. like. We have to be aware that there are some restrictions when it comes to eating and can be substituted with foods we like.

What should be on a healthy dinner plate?

In general, it is recommended to consume a portion of vegetables, since this food contains fiber and minerals, a portion of protein (meat, chicken or fish), and in the case of carbohydrates, it is recommended that you consume a palm-sized portion of rice.

One of the recommendations given by nutritionists is not to drink beverages with lunch, as this will help you avoid gastritis in the future.


For healthy adults, the recommendation is a serving of fruit, milk and cereal, and a cup of coffee if you want, but try to avoid too much sugar.


Remember, according to professional recommendations, this dish is best to include one serving of vegetables, one serving of protein, and one or two small servings of carbohydrates.


Remember that this feeding time corresponds to the last meal of the day, and it is recommended that you eat the smallest amount of food, milk tea with biscuits or sandwiches, according to your schedule.

(The above recommendations correspond to the amounts that a healthy adult not receiving any type of treatment can consume; otherwise, consultation with a nutritionist is recommended).

How to know what is the ideal part?

If you are going to be consuming carbohydrates during the day, it is recommended to consume them in small amounts, as opposed to vegetable intake, as their nutritional content is unlimited.

If it is protein, you can increase the amount, or you can replace it with carbohydrates.

Which foods are not suitable for children to eat?

Remember that every baby is growing and developing, so it’s best not to pack packaged or fried food in your lunch box; homemade foods and drinks such as preserves, juices and sandwiches are the best options.

What diseases can be prevented by a good diet?

With a combination of healthy eating and exercise, you are almost 100% certain to develop any type of disease, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and respiratory disease.

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