Ed Sheeran is ready to release new music: anticipation

However, Ed Sheeran is teasing the new album with several new songs due out next week.

2023 has been an extremely challenging year for Ed Sheeran. Even if by now the memory of the case in which he was accused of plagiarism is decidedly distant, given the full acquittal of the Manhattan federal court judges.

On the sidelines of this trial, which subjected him to an emotional test, Ed Sheeran he let slip that he was ready to leave the world of the recording industry forever if the judges proved him wrong. Which, fortunately, didn’t happen.

Ed Sheeran, new music coming soon

Almost like resisting a conditioned reflex, it’s been a week since the verdict of full acquittal, Ed Sheeran went to the studio to do some tracks that obviously he’s been writing for a long time. Today, those same traces become something much more concrete today.

To formalize the new publication, in fact, the English singer-songwriter himself should, with a curious, rather cryptic public service announcement, the central message of which is “Autumn is Coming”.

Sheeran also shared a quirky parody in which, while posing as a TV salesman, as often seen in American TV promotions, he promotes a new product as a barker with an unlikely name. Gingerbread Man.

Teleshopping offers some “damper baskets” with typical fall season products priced at $9.29. There is a phone number in the exchange, the call of which is answered by an answering machine with an apology message recorded by Sheeran himself … “The baskets are sold out, but we’re going to produce another August 24th.”

From Subtract To Autumn

Campaign guerrilla marketing really very appropriate and innovative, completely different from the extremely shy and intimate message Subtracthis latest album, from which it is concluded that Autumn will become a new entry and online distribution will begin within the next week. In all likelihood, from Thursday 24 August.

Ed Sheeran ready to release his second album in ten months – Ed Sheeran press office (VelvetMusic.it)

In truth, Ed Sheeran has been talking about these new songs that have been in production for a while now. The English singer-songwriter admitted in a long interview with Andy Cohen on SiriusXM at the beginning of the year that he had a lot of songs ready for a new series of publications… “I wanted to make an album with autumn as the main theme. There was no particular reason why they were songs that inspired me in some way and that I was able to write pretty quickly. And then my personal events led me to the fact that I completed the “-” (“Subtraction”) faster than expected, to which I devoted myself completely over the past year … “

Super Bowl Rumors

Therefore, curiosity is growing around what the new production of Ed Sheeran will be, which, judging by the adopted advertising campaign, seems to have chosen an exclusively American and very communicative style, extremely brilliant and very far from Subtract.

Meanwhile, the Ed Sheeran name continues to dominate ahead of the selection of the next Super Bowl variety show, which this year starred Rihanna.

However, Sheeran himself seems to have pulled himself out of what has become a real bull run over the past few hours: “My name has also been mentioned in the past, especially when Coldplay was chosen, but to be honest, I think that there is nothing further from me. Over the years, I’ve seen so many fantastic artists performing at these kind of gigantic events, in the spotlight of the whole world.”

Sheeran thanks, no… that doesn’t fit the bill: “It would be an honor, but to think that I can do it is completely unrealistic. I wouldn’t know how to perform with dancers and fireworks and stuff. I can only admire those who, like Prince, Michael Jackson, Katy Perry, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Rihanna and The Weeknd, did it so well and admit that I could hardly do something like that. In fact… I’m not even sure the public is interested in seeing me perform in the Super Bowl….”

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