Emma Watson turns 33 and celebrates with a very personal post

Emma Watson turned 33 and for the occasion she returned to her official Instagram profile, after leaving the platform last year, to update fans on what happened in these years of her life.

Emma Watson turns 33 and celebrates with a very personal post

Emma Watsonthe unforgettable Hermione in the saga of Harry Potterblew out 33 candles and chose to celebrate his birthday by publishing a very personal post on his Instagram profile after distancing himself from the platform for a while.

The British actress, as CNN Entertainment reports, appeared again on social media and updated fans on what is happening in her life. A series of black and white images accompany Emma Watson’s words.

I’m 33. Good heavens. Prior to the 29th I hadn’t even heard of a Saturn Return as a concept. Let’s just say I know myself well nowWatson wrote in her post. Talking about the “ups and downs” who represented his life in the last two years, he later said he learned to surf “bad“, to have ridden and done”lots of therapy” and to have “said goodbye to my grandmother and grandfather“.

Emma Watson is willing to return to the Harry Potter franchise, on one condition

Among the commitments of recent years, the former Hermione Granger mentioned the Harry Potter reunion, the birth of a women’s environmental investment fund and the direction of her first commercial.

Away from the world of Instagram since December of last year, the star revealed to her followers that she’s been feeling “sad and angry about many things“, but also to have learned a lot “about love and being a woman“.
It took me three years, but I finally found a daily practice and can sustain it for more than a few days in a row“.

Thank you to the witches in my coven who have been so instrumental in helping me get to where I am now and who I am now” wrote Emma Watson to conclude her post.

You are my Avengers and inspiration. And finally thanks to my brother for helping me find the challenging stuff, over time, incredibly fun“, concluded the star.

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