Essential and natural oils help remove mucus during the change of seasons

Respiratory system problems are diverse and present varying degrees of discomfort and danger. Some of the most common conditions include asthma, pneumothorax, bronchitis, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), pneumonia, pulmonary edema, and pulmonary embolism. These conditions may cause symptoms such as difficulty breathing, persistent coughing, and odor. slime Thick, commonly known as phlegm.

Although it may seem negative, phlegm actually plays a vital role in protecting the respiratory system.this slime It acts as a natural barrier, preventing bacteria, foreign particles, and substances from entering the respiratory tract and lungs, where they can cause infections and other problems.

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In the case of phlegm, its color can provide valuable information. For example, clear phlegm is considered normal and contains water, salt, antibodies, and immune system cells.But this color is darker slimeLike coffee, bleeding can be indicated by being darker if it occurred a long time ago or lighter if it occurred recently. White phlegm is often associated with nasal congestion and may become cloudy and sticky due to tissue inflammation. Yellow and green colors typically indicate an immune response to ongoing infection.

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To help relieve nasal congestion and promote the elimination of phlegm, we come up with Oil Eucalyptus is essential. This essential oil has expectorant properties because it helps dissolve mucus, making it easier to expel through coughing. Additionally, inhaling eucalyptus vapor can relieve coughs and nasal congestion.

he Oil Eucalyptus, extracted from the leaves of this plant, is widely used in natural medicine and aromatherapy for its respiratory health benefits. It can be used in a variety of ways, such as in an essential oil diffuser, added to a hot bath, or inhaled through a tissue. These practices can help relieve nasal congestion, cough and promote the removal of phlegm.

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