Life is paralyzed in Italy: the number of deaths is increasing

The rainy weather and strong winds that hit Italy caused flooding and floods, especially in the Tuscany and Veneto regions.

Eugenio Gianni, head of the Tuscan regional government, stated in his statement that he had confirmed the death of another person in Montemurlo, the city of Prato, one of the places most affected by the floods, and said: “The death toll from this tragic day rose to 6. He said: “As the Tuscany region, we embrace The families of those who lost their lives.”

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni announced that they had declared a “state of emergency” for one year to heal the wounds of the disaster in the Tuscany region, which was most affected by the floods, and that the government had allocated 5 million euros in resources.

In the Italian press, the number of victims of the flood disaster reached 2.

It was reported that in the Tuscany region, where the severe weather alert level remained high, civil defense teams distributed sandbags to families to prevent floods.

He stated that the sea also overflowed in the northern tourist resort of Portofino, and the town square was flooded.

Electricity cannot be provided

Due to bad weather conditions, ferry services between the Italian islands of Sardinia and the French islands of Corsica were halted, and sea transport to the mainland of the island of Elba in the Tuscany region was cut off.

In addition, electricity is not available to 40,000 people in Tuscany.

While many agricultural lands and settlements in the area were submerged due to the overflow of the Bisenzio River, railway services between the cities of Prato and Pistoia were also halted. (aa)

release date: 23:02, 3 November 2023

(Tags for translation)Prime Minister

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