Expert reveals the truth about baking soda for acne

August 6, 2023 at 2:39 pm

Central European Summer Time

In the ongoing search for acne solutions, debate has arisen as to whether baking soda is an effective ally.Some claim it acts as an exfoliator and fights dead skin cells, but Is it really as beneficial as they say?

Dermatologists warn that while baking soda may be exfoliating and antiseptic, it’s not the best choice for treating acne.. Side effects can include dryness, irritation, and even worsening of the problem. Especially for those with sensitive or dry skin, the risks outweigh the possible benefits.

pH imbalances are another consideration. Baking soda is alkaline and can disrupt your skin’s natural balance, leading to further irritation. and potentially more acne breakouts. Additionally, the lack of scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness is worrisome. There is no strong evidence that baking soda is actually effective in treating acne.

Experts recommend using baking soda sparingly for acne. They recommend limiting its use to topical treatments mixed with water to no more than once a week. They also warn against interactions with other skin-drying ingredients, stressing that a lack of solid scientific research limits their recommendations.. Finally, before using baking soda on your skin, it’s important to consult a dermatologist to avoid possible negative effects.

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