Fall Health Tips

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Summer is over, not only does life return to normal, Bedridden Season.this Rhinovirus Viruses that cause the common cold peak in the fall and spring, while influenza viruses peak in the winter.

So along with nostalgia, golden hues, and pumpkins, fall also brings with it some health concerns.Apart from Flu and colds, asthma, pneumoniabronchitis, rhinitis and sinusitis Respiratory allergies Eurofarma lists other major diseases that commonly occur at this time.

Three years in and a new member has been added to the list.Although Coronavirus disease It is no longer a health emergency but continues to spread among the population.

The reason you get sicker during the colder months is due to some of the changes that come with the end of good weather.

he Dry indoor air and poor ventilation They promote sneezing and dryness.It’s also common this time of year Spend more time in enclosed spaces. These viruses are spread through the body fluids of sick people. People are having meetings in offices, crowded on the subway, people are sneezing constantly…the numbers add up.

Also accompanied by cold Immune system slows down. A study from Yale University found that this is because cold temperatures weaken the defenses of the nasal passages.

for avoid colds Drinking orange juice won’t help you.people usually think that Vitamin C It may allow you to avoid the disease, but it doesn’t.However, if it is a Good allies, make the infection last shorter.

5 little habits to make you feel happier and healthier every day

The pandemic has taught us that what works is to implement hygiene measures, e.g. Wash your hands frequently and wear a mask If you are sick.

There are a few other things that help too. As the days get shorter and colder, you can put these into practice. Disease prevention strategies recommended by health experts and maintain your health.

Monitor certain nutrients

healthy eating, cooking

get enough level Vitamins C, A and E as well as selenium and zinc Some doctors believe it may have an immunoprotective effect. All of these are essential nutrients to strengthen your immune system against fall infections.

Its shortcomings are Vitamin D It is associated with a malfunctioning immune system and a dysregulated inflammatory state. Since you’re susceptible to reduced sun exposure during the fall, be sure to include sun-providing foods in your diet, such as fish, mushrooms, eggs, or dairy products.


Drinking water reusable bottle

Even after the high temperatures have passed, it’s still important to stay hydrated.this is one of them Autumn health tips Recommended by CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

Replace sugary or alcoholic drinks with water “To reduce heat and stay safe,” they note. Sugar is responsible for diseases like diabetes or obesity and is one of the worst foods to protect your immune system.

Determine the best options based on recent research 1.5 to 1.8 liters per day.

Get flu and COVID-19 vaccines if you are at risk

coronavirus disease vaccine

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Receiving a booster dose of these vaccines provides high-risk groups with the best protection against severe cases and hospitalization. Although influenza is usually a common illness that subsides after a few days without serious complications, epidemics caused by this infection cause 3 to 5 million severe cases worldwide and kill 290,000 to 650,000 people each year. People die.

2023-2024 Joint Influenza and COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign It will start in the last week of September.

Target groups include people over 60 years old, high-risk groups, medical staff and pregnant women.

This year’s vaccination recommendations also include Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Immunization), a leading cause of bronchiolitis in high-risk infants.

Fighting Fall Allergies

allergy symptoms

Stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing…maybe not a cold, but a cold Fall allergies.Although associated with spring, cold and wetness are factors that contribute to the risk of infection allergic reactions, such as allergic rhinitis or asthma.

There’s a backlash this time of year mite swarm Lack of ventilation due to the cold can cause many people to suffer from the allergies and other indoor factors mentioned above, as Moldpoints out from Sanitas.

To reduce the risk, make sure there is good ventilation, wash sheets and bedding frequently, don’t let dust take over your home, and avoid outdoor areas that accumulate dry leaves typical of autumn.

do excercise

running, exercise, city

September is a month of resolutions, and exercise is one of the best ways you can take them. Not only is it effective in combating excessive summer grumpiness.Additionally, it allows you to Have a healthier body to face autumn health problems.

Research shows exercise is an adjuvant to the immune system, Improves defense activity and metabolic health.

No amount of physical activity is better than sitting still for long periods of time.But at least make sure 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per weekin addition to muscle strengthening activities, it is recommended to perform muscle strengthening activities at least 2 days a week.

Don’t be carried away by autumn abstinence

depression, sadness,

With the arrival of winter time, the days are getting shorter and shorter. Less sunlight to enjoy. This can disrupt your body clock and alter your mood.

he Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) This is a type of depression caused by seasonal changes. Symptoms include lack of energy, fatigue, withdrawal, insomnia or excessive sleeping, irritability, pessimism and hopelessness.

“Especially in the winter, our bodies respond to gray, cold weather and a lack of natural sunlight,” explains Adam Borland, a psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic. “The role of light therapy is to compensate for our lack of natural sunlight exposure.”

Other strategies that can be adopted Helping you get through the autumn “dip” They wake up early and spend the centerpiece of the day outdoors making sure they get enough vitamin D and meditate.

Follow recommended sleep times

sleep well

Recent research shows Duration and regularity of sleep They have important benefits for long-term health and daily life.

This means sleeping the necessary amount of time, and doing so regularly.For adults, this means Sleep 7 to 9 hours a day.

If you don’t, you’ll face many consequences, including a deterioration of your immune system. Believe it or not, frequent colds or flu can be caused by a lack of sleep.

While you sleep, your immune system produces protective substances that fight infection.such as antibodies and cytokines, report Healthline.People who are sleep deprived must 3 times more likely to catch a cold than those who are well rested

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