Ferrari, all the secrets of Enzo: the story of life on the edge, on the track and in the bedroom. Some will shock you

Ferrari, all the secrets of Enzo: the story of life on the edge, on the track and in the bedroom.  Some will shock you
Enzo Ferrari –

Enzo Ferrari, a man who has made history on the Italian market when it comes to the most beautiful cars.

Enzo Ferrari was one of the people who historically left the greatest mark. The man who loved life, the one who always lived outside of what was supposed to be the right way. This is both in the engines and in the love that he experienced.

It’s not just a name associated with a car, but much more. A personality, a symbol, a small piece of Italian automotive history.. A man who pushed his limits and tried to push everyone around him too.

They have dedicated books to him that try to contain a story that can only be found in their pages, but in reality it is too narrow. But now a film is talking about him, the main characters of which Adam Driver and Penelope Cruz tried to do him justice, earning 7 minutes of thunderous applause.

Enzo’s father was the owner metal shop and survived the First World Warle, giving life to Ferrari when its factory was razed to the ground.

Enzo Ferrari and love

Enzo has only one marriage and also only one love, which, however, was not his wife. The secret son to whom no one gives anything, and Dino Ferrari, died prematurely, at only 24 years old. A disappearance that brought his parents to the brink of separation only to save their relationship.

But it seems that Ferrari was also a lover of Latin American cuisine and tended to have many mistresses, all of whom could be found among the women who worked in his factory.

Enzo Ferrari -
Enzo Ferrari –

Among racing cars only 10 years old

And although the film is inspired by his life, yes nominated for an Oscarturns out how Enzo found out racing cars when he was just 10 years old and he fell in love with her immensely. His father took him to watch the race in Bologna, and his enthusiasm quickly grew.

The Second World War seemed to interfere with his plans, but he was then discharged due to pleurisy. It was at this point that devotion to sports cars gave birth toAlfa Romeo Company. This is just a small part of a story full of stories.

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