Film On Fire: where to watch online


Amber Heard is the main character of the film On firehistorical supernatural thriller that follows an American psychiatrist tasked with solving a case of possible demonic possession.

Set in Colombia in the late 1800s, when psychoanalysis was not yet considered a science, this film compares science and religion at a time when people preferred to believe in superstition and evil.

On fire also marks a return to the big screen Amber Heard who on this occasion took part in the preliminary presentation of the film, which took place June 24, 2023 To Film Festival in Taormina. Thanks to the film’s official press release, let’s take a look at everything there is to know about the film together in this in-depth article: plot, throw, theatrical release date AND where to watch the 2023 movie on fire online streaming.

In the “Fire” storyline

In a promising film On fire, Amber Heard acting Mercyan eminent American psychiatrist called to solve a sinister mystery in the heart of Colombia in the late 1800s.

At a time when psychoanalysis was still balancing between the recognition of science and the ban due to obscurantism, Mercy he has to uncover a mysterious case of a restless and possibly possessed child.

This is the period when, as already mentioned, psychoanalysis was treated with skepticism, especially if it was practiced by a woman. Moreover, the community of that time was heavily rooted in superstition and demonic beliefs.

However, throughout this story, the journey Mercy becomes an extraordinary test of strength not only in the medical field, but also in the inner sphere of oneself. In an epic conflict between scientific research and ingrained belief, Mercy he undertakes not only to save the young patient and his family, but also to reveal his hidden true essence.

In details, plot The film tells the story of an American psychiatrist, widow and without heirs, called to the magnificent estate of a wealthy Colombian family. His job is to uncover the mysterious case of a difficult child (played by McGovern Backpacks).

Even before his arrival, the boy’s mother, troubled by the increasingly persistent accusations coming from the local priest and the peasants themselves, tormented by mysterious and sinister events, was convinced that the evil one had taken possession of her son. But when Mercy arrives at the scene, discovers that the young man’s mother has died, and even the father of the boy (played by Noriega) began to succumb to speculation about possible demonic possession.

Bye Mercy trying to probe the depths of the young patient’s psyche through psychoanalysis, the darkness enveloping the estate becomes more and more dense and menacing. What seemed to be a “cure” turns into a desperate struggle to save the boy from the growing fury of his fellow villagers.

However, when sinister truths are revealed, Mercy she begins to suspect that the terrible events taking place inside the “hacienda” have deep and supernatural roots, awakening the deepest fears that she harbors in herself.

Cast “Fire”

On fire is a supernatural historical thriller produced by Iervolino & Lady Bacardi Entertainment in association with Paradox Studios and Angel Oak Films and directed by Conor Allin.

V throwoutside Amber Heard like a psychiatrist MercyAlso Eduardo Noriega, Lorenzo McGovern Backpacks AND Luca Calvini.

In the trailer for “Fire”

Revelations in the Dark On fire talks about the struggle between science and faith in the heart of the Colombian hell. Look trailer movie in the video below.

On fire |  Official Trailer

In the Italian edition of The Fire

If you’re wondering when the new movie is coming out Amber Heard, On fireyou’ll be happy to know that a release date has been announced.

After the world premiere in Film Festival in Taorminawhich took place June 24, 2023the film is shown in Italian cinemas with September 14, 2023distributed by RS Productions in association with Mirari Vos.

Watch the movie “On Fire”

If you are going to watch a movie Streaming “Fire” because you can’t go to the cinema or missed the theatrical screening, there’s no reason to worry. I can provide you with valuable information on how to later restore this movie with the lead role. Amber Heard.

In this regard, you should be aware that after the end of the theatrical release period, the film becomes available for use through certain major digital rental and/or purchase services. In addition, it usually ends up in the catalogs of streaming platforms such as Prime Video, Sky/NOW, Paramount+, TIMVSION, Netflix, and many others after a few months.

So if you want to know where to watch the broadcast “On fire” V Italianor if you prefer to watch it in original English with me Italian subtitles, I suggest you refer to the streaming options section below, where you can find all the information you need to watch a movie on demand once it’s been added to streaming service directories. Good vision!

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