Flu and cold identification chart for children and adults

Both the flu and cold They are highly contagious viral diseases in children and adults.. Even though they are different infections, those infected exhibit very similar symptoms. However, knowing the difference between the flu and a cold is important to protect children and stay healthy. To clear up any doubts, Children’s Guide has prepared a table listing the symptoms of both diseases.Also, we tell you What are the best current treatments for both conditions and what are the ways to prevent them?

Flu and cold identification chart for children and adults

This table is a general guide and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. If your child is sick and shows signs of the flu or cold, It is important to observe the evolution of symptoms and consult your pediatrician to obtain appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

At Children’s Guide, we have received alerts and press releases from various health organizations, pharmaceutical companies, and drug manufacturers warning that The flu epidemic has arrived. So much so that no matter where you start, the number of cases doubles within days and the health emergency collapses.

However, some of these patients go home with another diagnosis: nasopharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, the common cold… And even if a cold makes us feel sick, feverish, and exhausted, it should not be dismissed Confused with cold. influenza. The tables we provide will help you distinguish influenza from colds or catarrh in children and adults in a very visual and simple way.

A cold is a mild infection of the nose and throat caused by different types of viruses, Although influenza is also viral, it is caused by influenza viruses. Colds can occur year-round, although they are less common in the summer, but the flu usually appears in November and ends in early spring.

Diagnosis of influenza is made through laboratory tests, blood tests, or cultures of pharyngeal exudates. This rarely happens, so doctors usually diagnose the flu based on a patient’s symptoms.

cold symptoms

-The onset of a cold is usually gradual or gradual. The child gradually becomes unwell, with symptoms appearing within a few days.

– Children with colds usually do not have a fever. Yes, you may have a low-grade fever. In children, high fever may be a symptom of another illness, such as otitis media or tonsillitis.

– May cause mild headache.

– Frequent sneezing when you have a cold.

– Fatigue or weakness is fairly mild.

– Children with colds may feel chills.

– Throat inflammation is usually mild.

– The common cold is usually accompanied by nasal congestion, sneezing, and coughing up phlegm or phlegm.

– Loss of appetite is less common when you have a cold.

– After 7 days, the child or adult will start to feel better.

flu symptoms

A cold, also called catarrh or chills, is a acute respiratory infection Fever is usually not present, although other illnesses such as rhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchiolitis, and pneumonia are also common.

– Onset is sudden and sudden, symptoms begin strongly and rapidly.

– A child or adult with a fever exceeding 38.5 degrees Celsius

– Influenza is accompanied by severe muscle aches, severe headache, back, eye and throat pain.

– Nasal congestion or coughing does not always occur. If you have a frequent cough, it may be dry and devoid of phlegm.

– Influenza can cause physical fatigue, which can affect your ability to carry out daily tasks.

– If treated properly, recovery can occur within 2 weeks. It may be prolonged if left untreated.

I have three kids, and for some weird reason I’m prone to viral illnesses, so I usually end up in the pediatrician’s office quite often. So much so that I learned the lesson so well, it’s what they’ve been recommending to me for ten years as a mother…

Flu Treatment for Adults

The first rule is clear: since it’s a viral disease, antibiotics are useless.although your pediatrician may prescribe medication if a condition caused by a buildup of mucus occurs (such as otitis media).

the bad news is There is no medicine that can cure a cold or flu. The good news is, we have pain relievers that can relieve symptoms.

Advice from pediatricians and family doctors:

-Drink plenty of fluids.

– Rinse your nose with saline or sea water.

– Elevate the head of your bed at night. Let the child fall asleep sitting up.

– Use a humidifier to make the environment less dry, especially in winter when heating is available to increase ambient humidity.

What pediatricians and family doctors do not recommend:

– Systematically reduce fever, which is our body’s defense against viruses, and if we take it out of the equation with antipyretics, we leave fertile ground so that the cold lasts longer.

– Taking cough medicine, aside from its limited role, is a useful and necessary defense mechanism in getting over the flu and colds. If we stop coughing, mucus is likely to become trapped in our lungs.

– Do not use mucolytics. Scientific evidence has not yet shown that they are more useful than drinking water.

Prevention is a perfect measure Prevent children from getting the flu or cold. Here are some very simple ideas to prevent these viral illnesses in your children:

How to Prevent the Flu
– Influenza vaccination is recommended for everyone 6 months and older
– Avoid close contact with people who are sick
– Wash your hands or use antibacterial hand sanitizer

How to Prevent a Cold, Cold or Catarrh
– There is no vaccine, but it can be avoided in other ways.
– Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
– Wash your hands or use antibacterial hand sanitizer.
– Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

Important: If your child develops flu symptoms, especially those under 5 years old, it is recommended that you always consult your pediatrician.this It is recommended that all children 6 months and older receive an annual influenza vaccine.. It’s also important to teach your child good hygiene habits, such as washing hands frequently and covering their mouth when they cough or sneeze.

You can read more similar articles Flu and cold identification chart for children and adultsbelongs to the category Children’s Diseases on Guiainfantil.com.

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