Flu and COVID vaccination campaigns to start later this month

Wednesday, September 13, 2023 00:20

The Public Health Commission yesterday confirmed that the combined influenza and coronavirus vaccination campaign will begin in the last week of September and continue throughout October. In the initial stages of the process, preparations apply to all people over the age of 60, as well as other risk groups. The date set yesterday for the start of mass vaccination is very similar to last year. Subsequently, on September 26, elderly people in residential areas began to receive immunizations. A week later, health centers began injecting serum against SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses into other target groups. The campaign includes workers in “health facilities” among these groups, including pharmacy staff.

One of the main novelties is that the influenza vaccine is available for children aged 5 months to 5 years for the first time. The measure targets those with the highest rates of infection from the virus. According to the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP), 30% to 40% of children get influenza every season. Additionally, among the pediatric population, those under 5 years of age are the most likely to suffer serious health complications from the flu, as EL CORREO detailed a few days ago by Elisa Garrote, a pediatric infectious disease specialist and service director. Basulto Hospital, as well as Osakidetza and a member of the AEP Vaccine Advisory Committee.

The public health committee meeting held yesterday, attended by representatives from various autonomous regions and the Ministry of Health, also analyzed the epidemiological situation. Sources at the commission told Euronews that the number of cases had “increased slightly” in recent weeks and was now “stabilizing”. In Bascardi’s case, August’s COVID-19 infection, hospitalization and death figures were the highest since January. Last month, 30 people died from the virus. Lawmaker Gotzo Sagarduy said there was a “surge” in cases of the disease in the Basque Country.

Basqueti to vaccinate babies against bronchiolitis

For the first time, the Basque Country will begin injecting “newborns with risk factors” with a drug targeting respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), the causative agent of bronchiolitis, the disease that causes the most pediatric hospital admissions each year. Bascardi. According to sources from the Ministry of Health, the preparation, called Nirsevimab, is a monoclonal antibody that provides “passive immunity.” The Public Health Committee agreed yesterday that the drug should be started in children as soon as possible, “if possible in October”, before the worst months for RSV transmission.

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