Flu-COVID Vaccination Campaign

The Public Health Council, representing all autonomous communities and the Ministry of Health, has updated the criteria for the next influenza and covid-19 vaccination campaign and determined that it will start in different autonomous communities during September and October as of last week, October 23 in Ceuta is the event start date chosen based on the weather characteristics of the city. Furthermore, in the new document recommendations for vaccination against influenza and covid-19 in Spain for the 2023-2024 season, people from “health institutions”, such as those working in pharmacies, are also included in the target group.

We have experienced the threat of COVID-19 in recent years, which has killed hundreds of Ceuta residents, and responsibility is needed now more than ever, even more so in the face of climate change that we continue to experience. Viral side effects.

Yes, it’s time to take responsibility again. Because ensuring the health of the elderly and the most vulnerable must be everyone’s priority. There will be those who say that getting a fifth dose of the COVID vaccine is outrageous, or that getting a flu shot is absolutely useless, but that’s nothing more than a mistake because we have to take into account that we’re dealing with two doses. These viruses are still here and we must continue to take all necessary precautions to combat them, the most important of which is vaccines.

At the end of October, a mass vaccination campaign will begin for the people of Ceuta.

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