Flu in Alicante | Hospitals in Elche and La Villa remain overcrowded due to influenza, while emergency situation improves in Alicante

Hospitals in Elche and La Villa remain overcrowded due to influenza, while emergency situation improves in Alicanteinformation

thisRespiratory tract infections this year They’re overwhelming hospitals they seem to behave There are two speeds in the province.Number of patients treated emergency door Alicante General Hospital down 20% Beds are available in corridors and floors of the center’s emergency department due to high pressure on care, the service’s chief reported, who spoke of “normal load and some improvements”. A doctor confirmed that “The number of patients with respiratory diseases has decreased a lot», only two people entered at noon today.

However, he General Hospital of Elche According to health department sources, bed occupancy remains at 100%, with 80% of patients with respiratory infectious diseases living on the internal medicine floor.inside La Villa Hospital "They won’t stop coming in," A source at the center said.

This Monday at noon The ward lacks 14 beds and patients can only stay in the hospital Emergency situationsunder observation in the pre-admission ward, And some in the hallways “but not like last week. It’s still crashing, but it’s not as severe because they’re signing up,” the UGT union detailed.

“The pressure on care is decreasing across all hospitals. decline Coronavirus We have more influenza A than in previous years. In addition, different respiratory illnesses continue to arise, but are generally common at this time,” they said in CC OO.

Yolanda Fernandez, Minister of Health of the Union of Baja Venalopo and Baja Vega, point outOrihuela Hospital Night shift will be reinforced by Rayos technical staff; “beds occupied” while in Torrevieja, there are an average of 16/18 patients waiting to be admitted to the emergency department. on the other hand, inside Elda Hospital There are improvements too. Since last weekend, care management have been returning staff who had been away from the service due to the flu peak.. This Monday’s data is from a “normal” winter.

As far as the situation of community hospitals is concerned, Health Minister Marciano Gomezwho explained that influenza is declining Medical pressure dropped by 10 percentage points from the previous week.

The atmosphere in the emergency room is tense

The situation was “like every year, and there was a certain tension at the emergency room door.” «Our goal is not to emphasize hospitalization or intensive care, in intensive care we are achieving that goal The same goes for hospitalizations, so we know that tensions in emergency rooms will be resolved within two to three weeks,” he declared.

About mandatory use mask At health care and senior centers, decisions to revoke or maintain the policy will be based on incidence rates shown in the Respiratory Infections Weekly Report data updated on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. «There were 1,316 cases of acute respiratory failure per 100,000 inhabitants, while last week the number rose to 1,298, which is a very insignificant change. We will wait to evolve and we will make the decisions we have to make“, always supported by technical staff.”

“We will wait for the development of the situation and we will take the decisions that have to be taken with the support of our technical staff” (on lifting the mandatory wearing of masks in health centers)

Marciano Gomez.Sanitation Committee

Therefore, he reiterated that they will make a decision later when the actual incidence rate has been declining for two or three weeks in a row. During this winter, “we’re seeing a dramatic increase in the incidence of this disease” influenza».

President Valencian Society of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Juan Francisco Navarro, Agree that we have reached the peak of these infections After two consecutive weeks of declining data, “even if the decline is small. “Overall, patient information and assistance gives the impression that we are going downhill. ” “Now we just need to know whether the decline was smooth or sudden, depending on what we do.”

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