France warns of heart attack risk when using drugs like flu drug Gelocatil or decongestant Frenadol

France’s medicines regulator has launched a campaign advising people not to use a range of vasoconstrictor drugs to treat colds. risk of myocardial infarction and the cerebrovascular accidents they cause, while awaiting a European Union (EU) ban. Specifically, these cold medicines contain pseudoephedrine, an active ingredient that the EMA is monitoring and found in well-known medicines such as the decongestant Frenadol or Gelocatil Flu.

In a statement released on Monday, the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Healthcare products (ANSM) acknowledged that “the risk is very small, but These events may occur regardless of dose. and the duration of treatment.

“Despite the action that has been taken, the seriousness of these incidents and the persistence of the cases is inconsistent with Optional properties of vasoconstrictorscausing ANSM to recommend against its use.”

(From Gelocati Flu to decongestant Frenadol: Why Europe is monitoring these 24 famous drugs)

The products involved are sold in France in the form of tablets or nasal sprays under the brands Actifed Rhume, Dli rhume, Humex Rhume, Nurofen Rhume, Rhinadvil Rhume Ibuprofène/Pseudoéphédrine and Rhinadvilcaps Rhume Ibuprofène/Pseudoéphédrine.

The French organization justifies its position in the following ways, to which the pharmacists organization has joined: Recent pharmacovigilance data and medical literature.

Since all these products are also sold in other European countries and their authorization for placing on the market is also European, ANSM started EU reassessment procedurefor the purpose of stopping sales.

French medical authorities recommend other treatments as alternatives to treating colds, the first thing to remember is “Natural” healing 7 to 10 days later.

He points out that humidifying the inside of the nose with a physiological serum, hot water spray or sea water is one solution, as is drinking lots of water. Keep your head elevated when sleepingmaintain a cool atmosphere (between 18 and 20 degrees) and ventilate the room regularly.

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