From pop star to actress: here are Lady Gaga’s best roles

Machete Kills (2013)

During her 7th Century debut, Lady Gaga made a notable appearance in the action film Machete Kills. October 11, 2013 Singer’s camp”Le Cameleon“, femme fatale and mystery, silent and smoking all the time. The real truth on all fronts, Lady Gaga is destined to make her movie premieres in her role. Tuez à Gages. Elle Women également la réplique à un casting Five etoiles. Here’s a second look at “Machete” with a nice background. Danny TrejoCharlie Sheen, Jessica Alba, Michelle Rodriguez, Robert De Niro, Amber Heard, Sofia Vergara and Antonio Banderas, to name a few.

Machete Kills tells the story of ancient secret agent and mercenary Machete Cortez. The American government trusts him suicide mission for the mortal commune. But Machete is a different matter. L’avenir des États-Unis it’s between the network. Doit sauver le pays d’un efroyable of the Mexican cartel chef who will surpass the nuclear missile envoy in Washington

Sin City: I Love Her (2014)

A little later, director Robert Rodriguez, accompanied by Frank Miller, took on another role in Sin City: You’re the One. Lady Gaga doesn’t matter secondary but she is more convincing. She embodies Bertha serveuse Here you will help the main characters of an important poker game.

In this film, we warriors comment on Ava Lord (Eva Green) on the seas. Dwight (Josh Brolin) and I’m here for another man. She later returns to Dwight, confirming that she is being mistreated in her current marriage. She repeatedly asks Dwight about the assistant he is assigned to. Mertr they are seas. Dwight, accompanied by his lover Marva (Mickey Rourke), decides to leave his name.

A Star is Born (2018)

Jackson Maine (Bradley Cooper) is an American country singer who finds himself there. dungeons. Now it’s time to completely change the day you meet Ally (Lady Gaga), one dissenting singer always extremely talented. Les deux tombent amoureux. Jackson joins Ellie in exploring the world of music. This is the third vine, shriveled by old demons, and its protection must end eclipse.

With her powerful performance in this feature film, Lady Gaga finally established herself as a Hollywood actress. It represents a review of criticism élogieuses and bears the same name for two Oscar in 2019: best actress and best original chanson(‘Small‘). She is the hairdressing department with a statuette in the last category.

A Star is Born is available on Proximus VOD.

House of Gucci (2021)

In 2021, Lady Gaga will show a new film poster real story. At the House of Gucci, elle incarnane Patrizia Reggiani, The role of an Italian of humble origins is played by businessman Maurizio Gucci (Adam Driver). Today it belongs to the famous Gucci family. Elle voit à travers his le moyen dechangerson son statut Social. Besides, this song doesn’t have enough, its desire is even more.

This interpretation by Patrizia Reggiani is impressive and beautiful. confusing a la lie. Pop star nominations for film awards. She has been nominated for a Satellite Award, BAFTA, New York Films Critic Circle and Critics Choice Movie Awards, among others.

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