From the province to the top of the world, the global vocation of SMEs is growing

The deep Italian province conquers the second list of Export Champions, drawn up by Statista and Il Sole 24 Ore. Under the spotlight, in the 2023 ranking of the 250 companies with the highest export rate (recorded in 2021), many manufacturing companies in towns and countryside stand out, normally outside the national news, but which form the backbone of the Italian economic system. A system that is based on small and medium enterprises, often grouped in districts or supply chains far from the big cities.

Provincial companies, yes, but by no means isolated: many have had public support, from the Ice agency to find buyers at foreign fairs, or within the Por (Regional Operational Programme), or through Sace guarantees. Often small companies but with great ambitions, with the sons of entrepreneurs (or the founders themselves) who have staked everything on the megatrend of the century: sustainability. Gaining huge acclaim abroad.

Like last year, the major export markets are confirmed as Germany, France and the United States.

But let’s start from the beginning, from the analysis by Statista, carried out from the Hamburg headquarters by a research team coordinated by Marco Paciocco assisted by Lisa Dei. «Once again this year the participation in the Champions of export initiative was good – explains Paciocco, Team lead Italy of Statista – so much so that the greater number of registrations received, compared to the first edition last year, has allowed us to bring the list at 250 (from 200 in 2022). Despite the greater length, the list remains qualitatively solid, with a minimum export share of 40% (31% last year). The average export rate (calculated as the proportion of turnover from export activities on the total turnover for 2021) also remains substantially unchanged and stands at 68%. The first three companies on the podium all have extremely high export rates, above 99%».

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«Number one this year is LAPM, active in the furniture sector since 1987, specialized in furniture doors: from Pasiano di Pordenone it has conquered the markets, with an export share of the turnover of 99.48% – continues Paciocco -. Next we find the wines of Cantine Sgarzi Luigi, bottled in the Castel San Pietro Terme plant, near Bologna, and from there exported to Germany, Denmark and the United Kingdom. We close the top 3 with an old acquaintance: Ascot Industrial of Gela in the province of Caltanissetta, first classified last year, which confirms itself at the top thanks to its leadership in the sector of generator sets for telecommunications companies».

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