Galicia will reopen mass vaccination sites for influenza and COVID-19 vaccines for people aged 65-79 on Thursday

Sergas will provide a total of 13 spaces to all persons mentioned as participants in influenza vaccine clinical trials

Santiago de Compostela, October 25 (European Media) –

A total of 13 mass vaccination sites will reopen this Thursday within the framework of a dual campaign deployed by the Galician Health Service (Sergas) aimed at immunizing patients aged 65 to 79 against influenza and covid-19 .

Once the vaccination phase has been completed in residential areas and in reference health centers for people over 80 years old, this Thursday the “vaccination stations” will return with an important novelty: everyone who takes part will have the opportunity to participate in a trial clinical.

Therefore, the 450,000 Galicians aged 65 to 79 who are called up in the coming days will be able to voluntarily choose whether to receive a regular flu vaccine or a double-dose vaccine.

The drug is already on the market and is already being taken by people over the age of 80, so the study, led by the Department of Health and the Institute of Health Research in Santiago (IDIS), aimed to determine whether it produces the same immune response at a younger age. group.

The project, known as “Galflu”, will seek at least 50,000 volunteers among the 450,000 people scheduled to take part in the new phase of the vaccination campaign.

People who choose to participate in clinical trials will be subject to special monitoring by Sergas, which will monitor possible adverse reactions through electronic medical records, meaning patients will not need to go for specific testing or counseling.

mass vaccination site

Generally speaking, the “vaccination centers” will be at the same locations as previous events since the covid-19 outbreak. In total there will be 13 spread across the main towns of Galicia.

In the A Coruña-Cee Health District there is only one, Expocoruña in Ciudad Hercules. There will also be a vaccination point in Vigo, namely Ifevi; and in the FIMO playground annex in Ferrol.

In Santiago de Barbanza, the City of Culture will be inaugurated again and the Ribeira hospital will have another place to receive vaccines. There will also be two pavilions in the Pontevedra-O Salnés region: the Exhibition Hall of the Territorial Delegation of Xunta in Campolongo, the provincial capital; and the Vilagarcía de Arousa Hospital.

In the Lugo-A Mariña-Monforte area, there will be three open “vaccination stations”. One of them is the Lucus Augusti University Hospital (HULA), another is the Burela Hospital and the third is a space attached to the IES Río Cabe de Monforte de Lemos.

There are many other places in the Ourense region. In the capital, vaccinations will be carried out at Expourense, in addition to the vaccination stations at O ​​Barco de Valdeorras and Verín Hospital.

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