Governor Saenz receives visit from Aguare’s fourth grade students

he Governor Gustavo Saenz Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Technology Matias Canepa received 30 fourth-grade students from Washington Joffre Tejerina Rodas School No. 4847 at the Governor’s Palace, where they studied with teachers and parents travel.

As part of a tour of the capital, the children visited different rooms of the Governor’s Palace and learned how it works.

The teachers thanked the Governor for taking the time to look after the children, who took advantage of the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the functions of the administration and its organizations. In addition, the children told him about their dreams for the future.

Saenz and the kids

Ms. Andrea Gracionis and Ms. Marcela Álvarez said: “This meeting was a rich experience in interaction with the highest authorities in the province and an opportunity to promote teaching experiences that can expand the content of the classroom.”

They said that it was the first time for many children to come to the provincial capital to carry out a series of fourth-grade curriculum activities.

The program of activities that started yesterday also includes visits to museums, historical buildings of the city, Guemez monuments, cathedrals, walkways and cable cars. The teachers added: “This will allow students to strengthen their identities, connections and knowledge of history, geography and belonging.”

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