Hamas’ recognition by Israel: It maintains its strength in northern Gaza and is unlikely to be defeated in the south

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak stated that Hamas maintains its power in the northern Gaza Strip, and that it is unlikely to be defeated in the south.

“Hamas maintains its strength in northern Gaza”

Ehud Barak’s article in which he wrote his thoughts on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and developments in Gaza, was published in Haaretz. Noting that the IDF had made significant gains in the northern Gaza Strip, but a sharp crossroads had been reached after nearly two months of war, Barak said: “Hamas is unlikely to be defeated in the southern Gaza Strip. Moreover, it is not “It still maintains its power in the north.” He said.

“International support for the war is dwindling rapidly.”

Assessing that “accomplishing this work will take months, perhaps more,” Barak said that the mission to destroy Hamas’ military and administrative skills must be completed despite external pressure. Former Prime Minister Barak said: “International support for the war is rapidly waning. Fears that have built up behind closed doors, including in the United States, may be growing.” He stated that he agreed with the assessment that support for Israel in the international community was decreasing day by day.

Hamas' recognition by Israel: It maintains its strength in northern Gaza and is unlikely to be defeated in the south

“We are approaching a critical crossroads”

Ehud Barak pointed out that Prime Minister Netanyahu failed, and therefore they are approaching a sharp crossroads. Barack accused Netanyahu of “ignoring the importance of the United States in achieving the country’s goals,” and said that “the relationship of trust with the White House is of great importance for Israel to achieve its goals.” he wrote.

He asked, “Is Netanyahu really up to carrying out this duty?”

Barak made the following statements in his assessment of Netanyahu: “Netanyahu’s failure in managing the war lies in his denial that victory cannot be achieved without a plan with a clear position and vision for the post-war period. Having such a vision allows you to identify the critical elements involved and decide how to work with them.” . “It’s today to make it effective when the time comes. Absolutely.” “What’s happening is that everyone who knows and follows Netanyahu today has serious doubts about whether he is qualified to carry out such a complex move. His supporters also need to stop and think for a moment: Is Netanyahu really qualified to do so? With this mission?

Erdem Aksoy

Palestine Israel Hamas Gaza Politics Current World News

(Tags for translation) Palestine

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