Here are the 5 most common diseases in cats

Cats are Colombians’ favorite pets, but they can also suffer from diseases that threaten their health and life. Although they are independent animals, they require regular veterinary care and checkups to prevent certain conditions that can be fatal.

in some meaning, Experts point out that there are five common diseases in cats. Only by understanding their symptoms can we identify them in time.. One of the most common diseases is conjunctivitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes and eyelids. This may cause redness, discharge, and difficulty opening your eyes.

The five most common diseases in cats

Another disease that affects felines is rabies, which is spread through the bite of an infected animal. Symptoms include aggression, excessive salivation, difficulty swallowing and behavioral changes, so it is important to be vaccinated to prevent the onset.

Leukemia is a viral disease that affects cats’ immune systems, weakening them and making them susceptible to other infections. Symptoms can vary, but the most common are loss of appetite, weakness, weight loss, and breathing problems.

In addition to these diseases, there are feline infectious peritonitis (which mainly affects young cats) and feline urinary tract disease (showing symptoms such as difficulty urinating, blood in the urine and changes in the cat’s behavior).

What diseases do cats have and their symptoms?

To avoid these diseases, it is important to follow the vaccination regimen recommended by animal health experts, take your cat for regular checkups and provide them with a balanced diet. This way, any suspicious symptoms can be detected promptly and appropriate action can be taken to provide the necessary care.

In short, while cats are autonomous animals, they require veterinary care and attention to prevent common diseases that can threaten their health. Knowing the symptoms of these conditions is crucial to taking prompt action and ensuring the health of these adorable pets.

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