HIV and hepatitis are two serious diseases that can be prevented by paying attention to sexual health

The expert word of biochemist Mariano Ottaviani.

Early detection of both diseases is critical to patients’ quality of life. HIV can take years to show symptoms, while hepatitis may not even show symptoms.inside Ottaviani Laboratory You can do some analysis.

this sexual health It is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality and is not free from disease, dysfunction or disability, as the World Health Organization also considers it to require a positive and respectful attitude towards sexuality. To this end, the sexual rights of all people must be respected, protected and fully exercised.

“We talk about sexual health to remind and raise awareness of the importance of its care as it relates to physical, mental and social well-being. That is, sex is done with mutual respect, no rape, no coercion , done in a responsible way, it’s about everyone’s happiness,” said committee member Dr. Daniela Faranna (MN 84.981). Board of Directors of the Argentine Association of Contraceptive Medicine (AMADA).

Likewise, he added: “You must also know that sexual health is included in Law No. 25,673, which establishes the National Plan for Sexual Health and Responsible Parenthood, which means that it is a right for people.” These rights Or the terms also relate to being able to enjoy sex without sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and being protected against STDs.

“We, the health professionals, must disseminate this plan and be able to help and assist in: Detect the most common sexually transmitted infections early These include HIV, hepatitis and syphilis,” he noted.

What is HIV?

One of the diseases that can be contracted during sexual relations is human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Increased awareness of HIV testing is critical because we know that with early diagnosis and treatment, the disease can be effectively controlled.

According to the latest data released by the Ministry of Health, it is expected that There are 140,800 people living with HIV in Argentina, 13% of whom are unaware of their diagnosis, and more than 98% of infections result from unprotected sexual relations.In addition, it is also determined 30% of people don’t know their diagnosis They find this out late in the disease, when their health has deteriorated, which is why HIV testing has become the only way to diagnose early and maintain quality of life.

HIV attacks white blood cells, weakening the immune system and making it more susceptible to diseases such as tuberculosis, other infections and certain types of cancer. It is spread through an infected person’s body fluids, such as blood, breast milk, semen and vaginal secretions. It can be spread from mother to child during pregnancy and childbirth, but not through kissing or hugging or sharing food.

It is important to understand that not all people living with HIV will develop AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), and people living with HIV may not necessarily develop symptoms or disease, but even in this case they can pass on the virus spread to others. Therefore, it is important to know whether you are a carrier of the virus in order to take appropriate measures and contribute to preventing and controlling the spread of HIV. In this context, rapid testing plays a fundamental role.

The importance of early HIV diagnosis

Research and innovation around HIV are important pillars in promoting greater diagnostic knowledge, restoring immunity and reducing the spread of the virus. Given the rapid evolution of HIV, testing is an ongoing challenge.

Today, technological innovations enable the development of rapid testing methods to detect sexually transmitted infections, with results available within minutes, allowing people to receive timely and appropriate treatment; thereby avoiding putting your health and the health of the environment at risk. middle.

Falana noted: “Any consultation, by any means, that a person has with a health professional must include testing for both diseases, HIV and syphilis, which, if we are talking about syphilis, can immediately treat the person and their sexual contacts as well With HIV testing, you can start early treatment and lower or eliminate your viral load.”

Furthermore, he noted: “In every institution, health center or public hospital, people have the possibility to undergo a dual test, which is a rapid test and, of course, if they are confirmed to be HIV positive, they are referred to an infectious disease specialist Also of concern. On the other hand, outside the public system, patients also have the option of requesting an HIV or syphilis blood test; they are easy to apply for and almost all prepayments and social works have them.”

Being informed and understanding the risks is one of the keys to avoiding contagion

The risk of HIV infection for everyone is under-recognized because infection can occur from one unprotected sexual relationship, which is why condoms are the only way to prevent STIs in addition to avoiding pregnancy. (sexually transmitted infections) ) like HIV.

According to data provided by AHF Argentina, a non-governmental organization that plays a leading role in HIV prevention, testing and treatment, approx. 90% of this viral infection is caused by not using a condom during sexual intercourse, that is, nine out of 10 cases.

Although testing is recommended for all sexually active people, there are certain situations where the risks are obvious and must be considered to avoid contagion: having sex without a condom; sharing needles, syringes, razors or joints with other people. Additionally, both pregnant women and their partners must be tested to avoid vertical transmission from mother to unborn child.

Hepatitis, the silent sexually transmitted disease

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately 500 million people worldwide suffer from hepatitis, equivalent to 1 in 12 people. In Argentina, the situation is alarming, with half a million people living with hepatitis B or C, of ​​whom only 30% are diagnosed.

Liver diseases include a range of conditions that affect the liver’s basic functions, from bile production to the synthesis of clotting factors. These problems can manifest as acute or chronic injuries and can be congenital or acquired.

Currently, the lack of timely diagnosis of hepatitis in Argentina poses two serious problems. First, there is a risk of spreading the disease to other people. Second, untreated hepatitis can lead to chronic liver damage, leading to death or the need for a liver transplant.

Taking active control of our health is vital. Therefore, it is necessary to raise awareness about the importance of early diagnosis and promote preventive measures to avoid the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Being empowered in health care gives us the ability to take control of our lives and well-being, ensuring a healthier future.

Where to get tested in Valle de Uco

In Valle de Uco, the Otavini laboratory provides clinical and bacteriological analytical services, including those for the detection of HIV and hepatitis, ensuring clinically useful results for patients, health professionals and medical centres.

The laboratory is located at Bercich 278, La Consulta, San Carlos. Their opening hours are:

Lu Wei: 7:30 am. – 12:30 noon / 5 – 7:30 pm

Sa: 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

You can also call 2622353360 or send an email to (email protected) to contact us.

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