Is adult film star Lana Rhodes Cody Rhodes’ sister? Find out about Cody Rhodes’ real sister who was scared by Brock Lesnar

One of the biggest stars on the roster, Cody Rhodes, is currently on the rise and his popularity is skyrocketing. At SummerSlam 2023, Rhodes will face Brock Lesnar for the third time, and this time he looks to carry on his family’s legacy after being brutalized by The Beast several times.

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Speaking of family, Rhodes belongs to one of the most respectable wrestling families of all time. His father Dusty Rhodes was a legend, and his older brother Dustin Rhodes had a distinguished career of his own. However, despite having sisters, none of them are involved in wrestling. People often associate adult film star Lana Rhodes with his sister, but this is not true.

Who is Lana Rhodes and why did Logan Paul misunderstand her as Cody Rhodes’ sister?


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Lana Rhodes was born in 1996 and is currently 27 years old. The former adult film star began her career in the industry at the age of 19, but soon left the following year. Rhodes has always been outspoken about the exploitation and abuse that took place in the adult film industry.

Her net worth is estimated at $29 million, which she has accumulated primarily through royalties from her videos as well as her career as a model and influencer. After Lana Rhoades first started working in the industry, her popularity skyrocketed in a short time.

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However, it is in no way related to Cody Rhodes’ American Nightmare. The confusion began after Logan Paul’s podcast confused her with Cody Rhodes’ sister. The hosts thought she was Rhodes’ sister, but after the cloud of confusion cleared, Rhodes revealed they were not related. The similar pronunciation of their last names led The Maverick to confuse the relationship between her and the WWE superstar.

Logan Paul co-host Mike Majlak’s story with Lana Rhoades will also cause confusion and an awkward moment between all the people there.

“The American Nightmare” belongs to a long line of respected figures and industry legends, each of whom have achieved success in their own career paths. Cody Rhodes has two sisters, neither of whom are former adult film sensations. Rhodes is the brother of Tail Runnels and Christine Runnels Ditto.

Who is Cody Rhodes’ real sister?

Christine Runnels Ditto is Rhodes’ older sister and currently works as the founder of KDreamLiving. Tail Runnels is another older sister of Cody Rhodes, although not much is known about her professional life. Tail Runnels is very close to her little brother Cody Rhodes, and that was evident in her reaction after Lesnar brutally attacked Rhodes in his hometown a few weeks ago on RAW.

Christine Runnels Ditto was born to Dusty Rhodes and Sandra Rhodes. And Tail Runnels was born to Michelle Rhodes. Sandra and Dusty were married from 1965 to 1975. He had two children with Sandra-Dustin and Christine Runnels.

He then married Michelle Rhodes in 1978 and remained married to her until 2015, when he died. With Michelle Rhodes, he again had two children, Cody and Tail Rhodes. The siblings are all very close to each other and are very supportive of their brothers in the wrestling industry.

Cody Rhodes is in WWE, and Dustin Rhodes is in AEW. However, the sisters often find time to visit both brothers at work. Tail Runnels is also featured in the Peacock documentary about Cody Rhodes.American Nightmare: Becoming Cody Rhodes. She also took to Twitter to express her happiness at being part of the cast.

For many years now, all the brothers and sisters have been closely connected with each other. And even though the two sisters are not part of the wrestling industry, they never miss an opportunity to show their support for their brothers.

Why did Cody Rhodes’ sisters distance themselves from professional wrestling?

During Cody Rhodes’ documentary, Tail Rhodes appeared and spoke about her brother. She talked about her brother’s impeccable wrestling record in high school, as well as their financial struggles growing up.

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After high school, Cody and Tail Rhodes headed to Los Angeles to pursue acting. But they will never do it professionally. During the early years of AEW, Tail Rhodes joined Cody and Dustin Rhodes in the promotion as a female wrestler, but soon left due to pregnancy.

This would be her last appearance in the ring as a wrestler, as she never returned to the ring as a wrestler again. On the other hand, Kristin Runnels was never a wrestler and after a brief stint in cheerleading, she ventured into the world of business.


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Currently, both sisters are doing well in life, and despite having wrestling roots, neither has pursued it professionally.

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