How to get test results from the National Hepatitis C Testing Campaign

SAHE experts stress importance of requesting hepatitis studies during regular check-ups (Gettyimages)
SAHE experts stress importance of requesting hepatitis studies during regular check-ups (Gettyimages)

“this Hepatitis C “This is a disease that causes no symptoms most of the time, which is why it’s so important to get tested at least once in your life,” the doctor said. Sebastian Ferretti,President Argentine Society of Hepatology (SAHE).

within the framework world viral hepatitis day, To commemorate Friday, July 28, awareness and testing campaigns are being carried out at the national level. SAHE has launched a hepatitis C testing campaign that includes Free test 68 points without prior transfer 18 provinces across the country.

These analyzes are ongoing in Buenos Aires, CABA, Catamarca, Chaco, Córdoba, Entre Rios, La Pampa, La Rioja, Misiones, Neu Can, Rio Negro, Salta, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero, Tierra del Fuergo and Tucumán until tomorrow Friday, although in some places it will Extend it for a few more days. You can access location details via links on the SAHE website.

“Campaigns like the one we are launching at national level are a great opportunity to achieve this. If a quick and painless test is negative, the person can go on with life. On the other hand, if she tests positive and subsequently The diagnosis is confirmed and health professionals will accompany her so that she can be cured and avoid potentially serious complications in the future,” Ferretti stressed.

SAHE expert warns of risks of not diagnosing hepatitis C promptly
SAHE expert warns of risks of not diagnosing hepatitis C promptly

The rate of missed diagnoses in Argentina and around the world is worryingly high. It is estimated that 6 to 7 out of every 10 people infected with the virus in our country are ignoring it, reflecting the need to establish better testing mechanisms and continue to raise awareness among communities so they can take care of their liver health Take as much care of your heart or other organs as possible.

“The research to detect hepatitis B and C is simple, but unfortunately it is not part of the routine testing requested by family doctors during regular check-ups. Hepatologists, gastroenterologists and infectious disease specialists must also work on this , because we are the ones closest to this disease every day. We must work to educate other health professionals about the importance of requesting this research, such as clinicians, cardiologists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, and geriatricians Wait for a professional,” the doctor noted. Esteban Gonzalez BalergaVice President of SAHE.

The World Health Organization has set an ambitious goal of eliminating hepatitis C worldwide by 2030, and Argentina has taken a number of measures to achieve this goal, despite numerous difficulties. The development of ongoing community testing initiatives is one of the initiatives that will help achieve this goal.

Free testing is available at 68 locations in 18 provinces across the country (Getty Images)
Free testing is available at 68 locations in 18 provinces across the country (Getty Images)

“one person You could have hepatitis C and not realize it until decades later. If you let nature take its course, over time, unfortunately, when your liver damage reaches an advanced stage, you will get a diagnosis and may develop some risk of cirrhosis, liver cancer, and require a transplant. All this can be avoided with timely detection. “The doctor explained. Manuel BerberoSAHE Board Member.

There is bias or misinformation, with many people believing they have not been exposed to the virus or protected by the vaccine, but Hepatitis C is not one of the types of hepatitis that can be prevented by vaccines (i.e. A and B), which are spread by contact Contaminated blood.

The virus has been circulating for many years but was not well known, and there was currently no awareness of sterilization measures for instruments that come into contact with blood. As a result, thousands of people unknowingly become infected during dental procedures, surgeries, tattoos, piercings and other cosmetic treatments, receiving blood transfusions, sharing syringes, toothbrushes, razors or tubes used to sniff out illegal substances. Hepatitis C.

doctor barber clarifies that today “proper sterilization of all instruments used in every health or beauty intervention has become more common and people are more aware of the risks of contact with the blood of others, which is why the spread is less than before”. Post-80s and post-90s.In any case, although everyone Mainly people over 35 or 40 years old, “Based on more or less knowledge, we may have been exposed to the virus, so testing is necessary to remove any doubts.”

“Studies to detect hepatitis B and C are simple but unfortunately are not part of the routine tests GPs ask for during regular check-ups." (Getty Images)
“The research to detect hepatitis B and C is simple, but unfortunately it is not part of the routine tests that family doctors order on a regular basis” (Getty Images)

“It’s worth it Go out looking for patients Because today we have drugs that can cure almost everyone in a few weeks, with almost no side effects, and are covered by prepaid social benefits and the state. Therefore, if the condition is diagnosed before it progresses, it can be cured in time to avoid life-threatening conditions. “The doctor emphasized. Ferretti.

Another key aspect of this disease is that a significant number of patients were diagnosed years or decades ago but did not return to a medical professional to be cured because Ignoring the fact that there is a cure, Because he remembers severe side effects from previous medications, because he believes he will have to pay for his current treatment out of pocket, because he is postponing his health to other priorities, or simply because he is not taking it seriously because of the disease It’s been years since professionals say it causes symptoms or pain.

“In response to this situation, many of our country’s hospitals are conducting Operation Recontact, a successful international strategy that involves reviewing archived medical records and calling patients with hepatitis C who have not returned for care to ask them to You can do this. It will heal quickly if you do this,” the doctor explained. Gonzalez Balerga.

Another recommendation also includes finding patients in high-risk communities, not discriminating but taking advantage of higher global incidence statistics, in groups such as veterans, prison populations, people living with HIV, dialysis patients or those who have undergone treatment looking for patients. Blood transfusions and blood products, e.g. for people with hemophilia, etc.

Hepatitis C is not one of the vaccine-preventable hepatitis types (i.e., hepatitis A and hepatitis B) and is spread through contact with contaminated blood.
Hepatitis C is not one of the vaccine-preventable hepatitis types (i.e., hepatitis A and hepatitis B) and is spread through contact with contaminated blood.

They concluded in SAHE: “Those of us who have been unable to provide answers to people with hepatitis C for decades are doing our best to find more patients today because a cure is a reality, within reach and can make a real difference to their lives. .”

continue reading

How hepatitis spreads and evolves, a disease thought to be silent
Cases of severe hepatitis of unknown origin are increasing: experts are looking for the cause
Exclusive: WHO plans to eradicate hepatitis by 2030

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