How to Prevent the Flu and Common Cold: Tips

A recent CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) survey on common illnesses such as colds showed that British employees took an average of 7.8 days off for health reasons last year, the highest level in more than a decade.although Stress is the leading cause of chronic absenteeism94% of short-term sick leave is due to Minor illnesses, such as colds and illnesses caused by seasonal changes. As winter approaches and cold and flu season begins, The need to maintain a healthy immune system is greater than ever.

4 tips to prevent colds when the temperatures drop

Eat well and chew correctly

carry A varied and healthy diet It’s rich in fruits, vegetables and whole foods that are essential for maintaining a strong immune system.In addition to providing important nutrients and vitamins, e.g. Zinc and Vitamin Dhelps strengthen the immune system against pathogens, Eating plenty of fiber foods helps maintain a healthy gut microbiome. Since more than 70% of the immune system is located in the intestines, keeping the intestines in good condition is an important first line of defense against winter bugs and bacteria.

Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir and miso are great staples because they contain Beneficial bacteria that promote a more balanced microbiome and improve immunity. If you’re looking to build up your antibacterial armor this fall, don’t overlook herbs and spices. Oregano is a powerful immune booster Everyone should know about it because it has powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory plant compounds, and garlic is more than just a flavor enhancer. When chewed or crushed, the alliin compound in garlic is converted into allicin, which enhances the response of white blood cells to fight disease.

A joint study from the University of Manchester and the National Institutes of Health shows that eating well is not enough; how you eat is also important. Chewing food well can help the immune system by secreting Th17 cells in the mouth. These cells help B cells produce antibodies, activate the microbe-killing abilities of specialized cells, and recruit other immune cells to sites of infection in the body. According to experts, Try chewing everything about 30 times.

Have a healthy sex life

Sex can help you prevent disease and stay in shape through a series of hormones secreted by the body during sexual relations that are powerful stress relievers, e.g. dopamine and oxytocin.In addition to releasing these powerful neurotransmitters, sex also Reduce the amount of cortisol In the body, overdose is associated with compromised immunity. In addition to improving mood and reducing stress, Sex is an important prerequisite for restful sleep This in itself is crucial in fighting disease.

Get good sleep (and enough time)

A stronger immune system and Regular quality sleep.While you sleep, your immune system releases anti-inflammatory cytokines, signaling proteins that control the production and activity of other immune system cells and blood cells and send messages to the immune system to do its job. Conversely, when natural circadian rhythms are disrupted and sleep quality or duration begins to decline, excess inflammatory cytokines are activated, leading to increased inflammation and a compromised immune system unable to respond to passing pathogens. Although the length of sleep varies from person to person, Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

Shower with cold water

I can add Cold baths should be your fall routine It may not be appealing, but the benefits to the immune system are huge. The shock of cold water causes the release of white blood cells, which fight infection and hunt and destroy viruses circulating in the blood.A Dutch study asked participants to take cold showers every day for 30 days and recorded Disease incidence reduced by 29%. Exposure to cold water, whether showering or swimming, also helps the body produce protective antioxidants, such as glutathione, which combat the effects of oxidative stress in the body, which can lead to disease. Its effects also affect the lymphatic system, causing lymphatic vessels to constrict and work harder to remove waste, microbes, and bacteria from cells.

Article published in British Vogue,

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