How to treat this disorder and when to take them to a pediatrician?

he stomach ache This is common in children. Either because they eat too much, or because they don’t want to go to school.

Usually, this is not a serious condition and can be treated at home, but due to various reasons, you may overlook some other symptoms, and this pain is a sign of other diseases.

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it is important to note Pain can be real even with no apparent cause.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Child Health portal, the most common are usually:

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constipation or diarrhea

These are the main causes of abdominal pain in children.If you have not had a bowel movement for several days, have painful or difficult bowel movements, you may be constipate.

Diarrhea, by contrast, causes loose or watery stools and is usually caused by an infection that some call “gut flu.”

Continue reading: (Stomach Pain: What Are Its Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment?)

the presence of parasites

According to pediatrician Aura Sofía Rico, the following symptoms stomach acheOr dizziness, sudden vomiting, poor or decreased appetite, and sometimes a reluctance or temperament change in a child may indicate that he has this problem.

If this is the case, the doctor will prescribe antiparasitic drugs based on the type of microorganisms detected and indicate the appropriate dosage based on the child’s age, weight and size.

Parents should never self-administer laxatives or try home remedies for childrenas this can aggravate the situation and create more discomfort and risks to your health.

In fact, experts point out that improper use of antiparasitic drugs can damage liver function.

lactose intolerance

This reaction occurs when the body lacks the enzyme needed to break down lactose in milk and other dairy products.

It can cause diarrhea or constipation, increased gas and cramping. It is not the same as a milk allergy.

Emotional upset

Just like adults, kids can too suffer from stress or anxiety.

Changes in their routine and space, such as a new school or even bullying, can cause an upset stomach.

While this may seem like an excuse, this part of the body responds to stress, so it’s important to investigate the cause and help your child address what’s bothering him.

How to treat it at home?

Most of the time, they are used home remedies, such as aromatic waters To deflate the stomach.

Advice included in the U.S. National Library of Health’s “Medline Plus” portal includes drinking small sips of water or clear liquids; leaning; attempting to have a bowel movement and avoiding solid food for several hours.

You should also avoid stimulants such as caffeine, soda, citrus, milk, and fried foods.

It is recommended that you call your healthcare provider. If abdominal pain does not go away within 24 hours.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, sudden and persistent abdominal pain may require immediate attention, especially if vomiting, fever (temperature over 100.4°F (38°C)), sore throat, or headache occur.

“If your baby is under 1 year old and shows signs of stomach pain, such as raising his legs toward his belly, crying unusually; if your child is 4 years or younger and has recurring stomach pains; or if you wake up, call your pediatrician right away Abdominal pain keeps you from sleeping,” they said.

Blood in the vomit or stool indicates that the condition may be more serious than it appears and you should see your doctor.

You should call your pediatrician if you have diarrhea for more than two days, vomiting for more than 12 hours, unexplained loss of appetite, and weight loss.

Laura Alejandra Albarracin Restrepo

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