How us Spaniards manage to save money in our shopping carts: tips, disclaimers and strategies


High inflation: going to the supermarket a challenge for household finances


although inflation Last August, Spanish consumers got a reprieve from food supplies and shopping baskets continued to register level greater than 10%which complicates the lives of millions of families in our country.

Price increases in recent years have affected basic food items, whose value has increased exponentially. olive oil or ricefor example, their prices increased 52.2% and 27.6%There are also products such as potatoes, pork, and milk, with growth rates ranging from 10% to 20% last year.

In response to this situation, consumers have taken various measures to reduce the cost of daily shopping in supermarkets. White labels, promotions, visiting different markets and venues… every strategy we can imagine in order to save a penny from every product we buy on a daily basis.

In this way, we are getting closer to a society where every time we want to fill the refrigerator, we have to plan it Strategies to meet challenges This task eventually needs to be completed, which increasingly affects family budgets.

8 tips for saving money in your shopping cart

  • Identify the spending habits of each household
  • Look for the cheapest store, but honestly every product will have a price everywhere
  • Some supermarkets run deals on fresh produce in the late afternoon as their best-before dates are closer.
  • Pre-plan meals to make for the week to avoid wasting food
  • Save pennies by bringing bags from home
  • Don’t go shopping hungry as this can create impulses
  • Control the number of purchases and don’t blindly pursue all offers
  • Buy in bulk and only buy enough

What does the street say?

from 20 minutes They made a report, took to the streets and asked people at the door of different establishments and raised topics about the measures they took at home to fill their refrigerators without increasing their expenses.

Here are some quotes from people of different ages and professions:

The 63-year-old Amparo chose to usela marketPrices there are lower than in traditional supermarkets, and Andrés, a 62-year-old chef, saves money by visiting different supermarkets to take advantage of the deals. 35-year-old graphic designer Jorge chooses to do this Smaller, more frequent purchases to avoid food waste.

Edy, 24 years old, self-employed, mainly uses white traces For example, Oriana, 33, plans purchases and looks for deals, while Conchi, a 66-year-old housewife, prioritizes private labels and promotions.

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