Ibn Daqqa news: Israel and Hamas Savasinda Ibn Salb… He has worshiped the religion of Israel since then: DAEŞ ile savaşan General yeni görev

If you want to know what to do, you can’t forget Numaral Gündemi Olmaya Devam Editor. Since Biden’s work has been in demand for a long time, the news from the New York Times (NYT) is what he said.

New York Times, Washington launches a dangerous Israeli operation and threatens to destroy and renew it. “Yetkiiler, ABD’nin İsrail’in Gazze’deki Eylem Planına İlişkin Endişelerini Dile Getirdiğini Söyledi’ başlıklı haberde “The Pentagon, esraillilere şehir savaşının zorlukları konusunda yardımcı ol I have no choice but to go to Dineldi.

According to the Pentagon report, Israeli forces have pledged to deliver more weapons to Corps General James Glenn. The Times of Israel is ABD’li Generalin DAEŞ’e karşı özel harekât kuvvetlerine Leaderlik ettiğini ve Irak’ın Felluce kentindeki and Hararetli Kentsel çatışmaların bazılarında görev yaptığını yazdı.

The ABD has been decided by the Pentagon which announced the same earlier this year. After the Pentagon announced that Pazartesi had announced it, once Axios announced General Glenn who took over the leadership of the Pentagon for Israel after he announced himself.

(tags for translation)Israel

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