In Cartagena, dengue affects poor most | Universal

In light of last year’s dengue incidence in Cartagena, El Universal interviewed José Saavedra, director of the Regional Health Administration (Dadis), who stressed that the situation this year has improved by about 31% compared to 2022.

What is the current incidence of dengue fever in Cartagena?

As of 2023, at the end of epidemiological week 46, there were 2,356 dengue cases in Cartagena, of which 1,714 were patients without warning signs and 606 patients with warning signs, for the entire population, 36 The pathological features of the cases were severe and we have had eight deaths this year; but only one case has been confirmed as dengue.

Of those deaths, six were ruled out and one is currently being investigated as being caused by dengue fever. This is the current dengue panorama in Cartagena, where unlike other years, the city’s dengue epidemic improved by about 31% in 2023.

Who is most affected?

Dengue fever has no age preference as it depends on the bite of the mosquito that spreads the virus. We are most concerned about the elderly and children, as they are most at risk of complications from the fatal disease.

What strategies are they implementing?

In coordination with our Public Health Directorate and the Center for the Supervision of Emergencies and Emergency Situations (Crue), we have a large group of people retreating to the streets, in areas of the city where the spread of the epidemic is most likely to occur. READ ALSO: Alert on increase in dengue cases in Cartagena: 2,193 cases this year

The team, which consists of bacteriologists, biologists, doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers, health technicians, health technicians, as well as the National Institutes of Health and the Ministry of Health, constantly disseminates its message in the media and social networks importance. It is to prevent old diseases that are difficult to eradicate.

Therefore, it is very necessary to understand how to manage stagnant water to ensure that it does not become filled with worms where the mosquito population continues to grow and completely get out of control.

Our activities include voice-to-sound, door-to-door knocking and promoting continuing education in communities and schools so that children are aware from an early age that this is a deadly disease.

Which industry is most likely to happen?

Dengue has no social classes as it is a mosquito that usually uses clean water and can obviously be found in Tiers 6 and 1, but health status, basic hygiene and other factors can affect it.

In Olaya, San Fernando, Henequén, Nelson Mandela, El Pozón, Villa Estrella , communities like Canapote and even in Manga. In the latter, we treated a severe dengue case hospitalized in the intensive care unit. That is, it occurs throughout the city, but in the Southeast we see more complications from the disease.

How should the community contribute?

so easy. When family members or you notice that you have symptoms such as fever, headache or pain behind the eyes, general malaise, muscle and bone pain, loss of appetite or even abdominal pain, you should seek medical attention immediately. They are the telltale signs and symptoms of dengue fever.

Dadis trains and monitors clinics with emergency and priority consultations so that doctors and nurses keep in mind that dengue is still present and clinical symptoms of suspected dengue cannot be resolved immediately without first ruling out that this is an impending dengue fever.

Sometimes out of habit or overconfidence, patients are discharged from the hospital and come back two or three days later shattered. So it’s really important, at home, when you notice these symptoms in a family member, you shouldn’t assume it’s a common cold. Faced with the complexity of disease, we must be more malicious and go to the emergency room when these symptoms knock on our door.

What are the main challenges?

The first one is civic culture and unfortunately we have some sad indices where our communities are missing out on something basic called cleanliness out of ignorance and lack of knowledge. You may be interested in: Progress of the social mobilization campaign against dengue fever in Cartagena

In our homes, no matter how poor or rich we are, we must keep them tidy, organized and clean because we know that mosquitoes lay their eggs in clean water, vases, ponds, tires and bottle nozzles hanging on the wall , the worms grow and reproduce. We must realize that by preventing disease we can get out of trouble.

Is Cartagena divided into two halves?

Yes. If we look beyond the areas that tourists visit, we see that a city has suffering, poor, marginalized populations that tourists don’t see because we only show the beauty of the city. It is these downgraded groups of people that we target to assert their rights; but also to remind them of their responsibilities; so, it’s not half and half, it’s almost 75% – 25%, a deeply divided city. I hope better times come regarding this gap.

How to avoid the spread and contagion of dengue fever?

The most important thing is clean water management because this is where mosquitoes grow and breed. By controlling mosquito populations, the chances of infection or pathology spreading are obviously reduced. I want to clarify that this is not a necessary measure prescribed by the Ministry of Health to rush to spray pesticides on the city, but a direct cause of controlling the spread of mosquito vectors.

What was he calling?

The main appeal is that when we have the slightest suspicion that a family member, friend, acquaintance or neighbor may be sick, we must see a doctor immediately to avoid complications. This is how you save lives.

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