in front of Koppa there is Vigor-Fano. Marini: “We want and must start well”

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Senigallia 08/31/2023 – “Let’s start right away with an important match. First of the year. We want to start on the right foot against the last opponent we faced last season. We need to replicate this positive outcome and strive to reverse the end result. We want to start with a win.”

The words of a leader, words coming from the mouth of an experienced Alex Marini. Sunday will see the official debut of Vigor Senigallia, who will host Fano at the Biancelli Stadium in the first round of the Serie D Coppa Italia.

“We have trained well during this period,” continues the central defender, “we will have to leave the beautiful and played last season behind. We have already turned the page. Twelve months ago we started as freshmen, this year will be different. Rivals know us, they study us, it will be very difficult to confirm ourselves, especially if we get into the group that circulates on the network. Sambenedettese, Chieti, Campobasso, let’s talk about equipped formations. We will present ourselves after last year’s second place, an important place, he continues. We understand that a lot is expected of us, we will have to make every effort. We are ready to take on these obligations. Commitment will never fail.”

And Marini tells the fans: “They were commendable last season, they supported us and followed us at home and throughout Italy. We must sustain this enthusiasm through results. Fans are our additional weapon in all areas. We have been waiting for them since Sunday, we can’t wait to receive such warm support again. The pleasure we hope to get from us will always be shared: we go out on the field, they charge us from the stands.

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