In Talca, 1,200 houses affected by rains, flooding of canals and Claro

What is the background?

The torrential rains that affected Talca for five consecutive days accumulated about 150 degrees, causing thousands of families to be affected, with houses slightly damaged or partially unusable, coupled with the loss of roads and urban equipment, which Talca suffered Serious consequences. Millimetres of rain and flooding of the canals and the Claro River have left houses and public property desolate.

For more information visit DIARIOTALCA.CL

Historic flood turns Talca Alameda into tributary of Claro River

What are the details?

This was revealed in a detailed report released by the municipality of Talca, where staff have been working since the weekend under an emergency that intensified from Monday, when the situation became so unmanageable that shelters were opened. and was deployed to take charge of the use of machinery, in addition to the distribution of aid and sanitary aid.

At the close of trading at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, the document stated:

  • As of now, an estimated 1,200 homes have been damaged due to flooding and flooding. As for the victims, an estimated 4,760 men, women and children were affected, both in urban and rural areas.
  • It is worth noting that Community Development Agency staff are on-site to conduct final cadastral surveys of affected households and persons in affected areas and sectors, applying FIBE forms along with their required needs.
  • Blankets, bedding, nylon, bags of coal, bags of sand, boxes of food and water have all arrived.
  • The shelter set up by the Javiera Carrera Educational Complex currently has 10 people, 8 of whom are homeless and the other two are an elderly couple from the Mantos del Río area, and the shelter will remain open. Open until Friday. In addition, a social headquarters was established in San Sebastian, and 30 affected persons participated with the help of the municipality.
  • There, they ate four meals a day, stayed overnight and underwent health checks to verify the status of the asylum seekers.

Which hotspots are the most damaged?

  • The entire rural area of ​​the commune, especially Providencia, San Valentin, Corazon de Maria, Elsos, Porvenir, Los Aneros, Las Tinajas and Buenavi sta.
  • Don Renato.
  • Villa Cerrillos.
  • river mantle
  • observer.
  • The villa is located.
  • Close to all towns and villages on Calle 25 Sur and Canal El Cartón.
  • Huilliborgoa, Maintenhuapi, Pangue Bajo and sections of the K-440 road remain isolated.

What will happen to high schools and public schools?

  • Mayor Juan Carlos Diaz decided to suspend classes on Wednesday, August 23, while continuing to provide food to children and teens.
  • The management team of each enterprise is conducting cadastre registration to report ration needs.
  • In terms of infrastructure, by far the most affected campus is the Escuela de Purísima campus, which was flooded.
  • There were no major problems in 18 institutions.
  • Leakage occurred in 29 educational institutions, and courtyards were flooded to varying degrees.
  • 2 VTF kindergartens have no problems, and 7 kindergartens have a certain degree of impact (leakage or water in the room).

How is the operational deployment?

Key points to get the job done:

  • Villa Cerrillos
  • Calles 25 and 26 Sur affect all villas involved
  • El Mirador district.
  • Villa Mentos del Río.
  • 26 in the south and 12 in the west.
  • Santa Maria Collin side villa.
  • Northern neighborhoods (Don Gonzalo, Don Clemente, Villas Las Américas).
  • Claro River area.
  • We use 3 excavators, 5 backhoes, 8 hoppers, 15 trucks to transfer and place sandbags and substrates to prevent water from entering houses and pathways.
  • Drainage work is being done using tank wash trucks in the most affected areas in the north and southeast of the city.
  • On South 25th, water was evacuated to Collin Avenue using motorized pumps.
  • A team of more than 150 city officials was deployed.

What does health assistance cover?

  • All health centers are operating as normal.
  • Deployed on the ground to provide emergency assistance in the health sector.
  • People requiring dialysis are being transferred to their respective centres.
  • The Community Health Department is coordinating the availability of Hepatitis B and Tetanus vaccines with Seremi at the branch to start the vaccination process starting tomorrow (due to exposure to sewage or contaminated water).
  • Starting tomorrow (Wednesday 23rd), each health center will be equipped with more mobile phones for on-site control and delivery of medicines at home.
  • Faced with questions from the public, it is advisable to contact your nearest health center or where you are registered as a patient.

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