“Inclusions 8”: art show brings together 20 talented exhibitors from three regions

From August 12 to September 8, contemporary art finds a home in Lanciano (Switzerland) thanks to the vibrant group exhibition “Inclusioni 8”. This review, included in the Lanciano summer events calendar and held in a charming setting Diocletian Auditorium Arcadeenjoys patronage President of the Regional Council of Abruzzo and the municipality of Lanciano.


The exhibition, now the eighth in a row, was organized by Gruppo Inclusioni under the direction of Antonio Di Campli in collaboration with Gastone Costantini, two renowned local artists. The review puts close contact with artists of completely different stylesin a sequence of images and performances that give prestige to the Italian art scene.

Art in Lanciano at home

A diverse group of 20 artists, ten women and ten men, come together to exhibit 3D art pieces ranging from sculpture to “stone balancer(rock balance), come on artists’ books to works made from various materials, including stone, bronze, terracotta and paper. Paintings made in various techniques, such as acrylic paints, oils and watercolors in experimental solutions, they are another part of this amazing exhibition.


Visitors will have the opportunity to admire the creations of such talented artists as Antonio Di Campli, Antonio D’Annunzio, Aldo D’Anastasio, Beatriz Mastronato, Carla di Pardo, Carla Trivellone, Chico Stone, Claudio Gaspari, Davide Skuteche, Emma Archer, Emanuela. Pancella, Ettore Altieri, Gastone Costantini, Incoronata Mezzanotte, Marisa Orsatti, Michele Versace, Nicola Antonelli, Paolo Dongu, Serena Giannico and Valeria Vitulli.

The permanent members have different backgrounds and experiences, representing the three regions of Central Italy, Abruzzo, Molise and Lazio. Their unique and personal artistic language ranges from exploring imaginary worlds to more realistic representations. Each work conveys a personal feeling and the viewer will be involved in interpreting the language and meaning of each.

The “group of inclusions” arose about a year ago from the first meeting in Palmoli (Switzerland) on the occasion of an exhibition in the castle of Marquessal, Curator: sculptor Claudio Gaspari.. Since then, artists have continued to exhibit in exciting venues such as Monteodoriosio Castle (Ch), the Swabian castle of Termoli (Cb), the Aldo Moro cultural center of San Salvo (Ch), the unfinished church of Pollutri (Ch) and the prestigious Palazzo Ducale di Larino (Cb).

The exhibition in Lanciano will be open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday, continuously from 10:00 to 12:30 and from 16:00 to 18:30. The inauguration will take place on August 12 at 18:30, in the presence of Mayor Filippo Paolini. Appetizers will be followed by local delicacies including traditional bocconotti and champagne.

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