Influenza and covid-19 vaccinations in the Canary Islands will start on October 16

Esther Monzón, Minister of Health of the Government of the Canary Islands, presented this Wednesday the influenza and covid-19 vaccination campaign for the 2023-24 season, which will start next Monday (October 16) in all health centers of the islands. The regional department reports that it contains “a number of new features compared to previous campaigns.” He stressed that the management of vaccination appointments will be done through 012 or its numbers without additional pricing 922 470 012 and 928 301 012.

José Díaz-Flores, Director of Public Health and Amós García, Head of the Epidemiological Services of the Canarian Health Service (SCS), together with consultants, detailed the planned actions and the different types of vaccines that will be administered to face this season and reminders Advertising campaign for who should get vaccinated.

In preparation for the 2023-24 influenza season, the Canary Islands purchased a total of 335,000 doses of vaccine, with a total investment of 2.989 million euros.

Esther Monzón noted, “This year we are still facing a situation where covid-19 coexists with other seasonal diseases such as influenza, so vaccinating the most vulnerable and essential professionals in the community remains critical.”

Additionally, he recalled, “By vaccinating high-risk groups against influenza, we can also avoid the coexistence of both infections, influenza and covid-19, in the same person, thus minimizing the severity of illness and stress to patients.” health system”.

José Díaz-Flores explained that the information campaign will be disseminated through digital media, social networks, duty screens in hospitals and health centers, LED screens in urban environments and radio stations, To keep in mind population groups who are at risk of complications if they get the flu or covid-19, and who should be vaccinated.

In this sense, the Director-General of Public Health insists that the vaccine is the most effective means of avoiding contracting or spreading influenza, especially for those who are at risk of complications from the disease and for those who receive the vaccine. Critical for communities such as health workers and caregivers of the elderly or dependents.

In addition, Amós García, head of the Epidemiology Unit, reports that facing this season there will be four types of vaccines aimed at:

. The target group is over 6 months old. 100,000 doses have been purchased, with an investment of 390,000 euros.

· Target group over 24 months. 180,000 doses of vaccine have been purchased for a total amount of 1,386,000 euros.

· Accommodate elderly people and bedridden elderly people at home; people over 60 years old. 30,000 doses of vaccine have been purchased, with an investment of 750,000 euros.

· Boys and girls aged two to five years (59 months) without underlying medical conditions. It may also be used in patients aged between five and fourteen years (inclusive) with underlying pathology and without contraindications. 25,000 doses of vaccine have been purchased, with an investment of 463,000 euros.

Seasonal vaccination recommendations for 2023-2024

The news release noted that flu vaccination recommendations are developed each fall for people who are at higher risk for complications from the infection and who may spread the flu to others who have the flu. The risk of complications is high. As of the 2021-2022 season, flu vaccinations are available at the same time as Covid-19 vaccinations.

The purpose of coronavirus vaccination is to enhance the protection of the most vulnerable groups and health and social care personnel in order to reduce morbidity and mortality caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the impact of the disease on health care capacity and health care capacity. Social health.

Flu/covid-19 vaccination

He added that taking into account the current epidemiological situation of covid-19, the following groups of people are recommended to be vaccinated in autumn and winter (2023-2024):

Because you have a greater risk of complications or serious illness if you have these infections:

1. People over 60 years old.

2. Persons over the age of five, inmates of care centers and nursing homes for the disabled and other long-term residents and residents of closed institutions.

3. People under 60 years old with chronic diseases, such as:

· Diabetes and Cushing’s syndrome.

· Morbid obesity (BMI ≥40 in adults, ≥35 in adolescents, or ≥3SD in children).

· Chronic cardiovascular, neurological or respiratory diseases, including bronchopulmonary dysplasia, cystic fibrosis and asthma.

· Chronic kidney disease and nephrotic syndrome.

· Hemoglobinopathies and anemia or hemophilia, other coagulation disorders and chronic bleeding disorders, and recipients of blood products and multiple transfusions.

· Asplenia or severe splenic dysfunction.

· Chronic liver disease, including chronic alcoholism.

· Severe neuromuscular disease.

· Immunosuppressive.

· Cancer and hematological malignancies.

· CSF fistula and cochlear implant or wait.

· Celiac disease.

· Chronic inflammatory diseases.

· Disorders and diseases that cause cognitive impairment: Down syndrome, dementia, etc.

4. Pregnant women in any three months of pregnancy and women in the postpartum period (within six months after delivery).

5. Living with highly immunosuppressed people, people with other high-risk medical conditions, and the elderly.

To reduce the impact and maintenance of critical and essential services to the community:

6. Workers (health and non-health staff) in health centers and institutions (including pharmacies) and in public and private health and social care institutions.

7. Personnel engaged in basic public services should pay special attention to the following groups:

· National, regional and local security forces and agencies.

· Armed Forces.

· Firemen.

· Civil Protection Services.

Flu vaccination

In addition to the previous groups, influenza vaccination is also recommended for the following groups:

· Population of children aged 6 to 59 months (5 years).

· People between the ages of 5 and 59 who are at higher risk of influenza complications, such as those between the ages of 5 and 18 who are receiving long-term acetylsalicylic acid treatment, or all smokers.

· Students undertake internships in health centers and institutions (including pharmacies) and social health centres.

· Persons who have direct occupational contact with poultry, pig or mink farms or animals or their secretions or wild fauna (birds, wild boar or mustelids), such as ranchers, veterinarians, farm workers, hunters, ornithologists The purpose of vaccinating these groups is to reduce the chance of simultaneous infection of humans and avian or swine viruses, thus reducing the possibility of recombination or genetic exchange between the two viruses.

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