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What Rose Dewitt Bukater, Mother and Her Boyfriend, Enjoyed in a Fairy Tale Titanic restaurant? What did Jack Dawson eat under the stairs in third grade? It’s someone new to tell it book of recipes (and more), dedicated to the kitchen of the most famous cruise ship in history, written by Veronica Hinke and published in Italy by Magazzini Salani. Bright Star Titanicsank after a fatal collision with an iceberg in the heart of the Atlantic, inspired a mythology in which a sad epilogue intersects with a golden atmosphere of music, dance, dress and fashionable dishes that paint the silverware.

Volume collects 40 first, second and third class dishes plus chef tips, jokes, stories, costume stories, quotes, dress code, board games and a movie quiz. Food is the soul of a journey that will take aristocrats and workers from heavenly paradise to underwater hell. On board there are many delicacies, meats, fruits, as well as pizza and street food. Misa is in place formal, luxurious banquets and fish parcels. A mix and match food that tells a lot not only about the era, but also about transatlantic classisma reflection of a society divided into castes, and the backdrop to the love encounter between Jack and Rose, played by Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.

Titanic. Official cookbook

Titanic.  Official cookbook

Titanic. Official cookbook

What did you eat on the Titanic?

Veronica Hinke relied on a historical source, a document that survived the shipwreck, thanks to which she was able to reconstruct the menu, comparing it with letters from passengers who told their loved ones the details of the meal. The book is divided into six sections:

  • Sensational snacks
  • Soups, salads and side dishes
  • Memorable main courses
  • Classic desserts
  • Cinema snacks
  • Cocktail

Each section contains meals served in first, second or third class. Starting with snacks nobility when he sat at the table, there stood before him elegant dishes, expensive raw materials, but above all the fashionable offerings of the Edwardian era. Example: lamb with fresh mint sauce. And fried squid with tomato and chili sauce for working class, after Jack Dawson, who tells Rose on deck, “I worked on a squid trawler in Monterey. Then I went to Los Angeles, to the Santa Monica Pier, and there I started taking portraits for 10 cents each.” What did the second grade eat? Herring in thyme-lemon sauce.

Between “Main dishes“stand out salmon with fancy hollandaise sauce, mousseline, as well as roast turkey and chicken curry for second grade. The third included beer-battered fish and, most of all, pizza—a breath of fresh air from Little Italy. Instead, desserts consisted of apple pie, honey pancakes, meringues, peaches, plums and puddings. Of particular note are the cocktails such as the Old Fashioned and the movie snacks, delicious snacks such as caramel popcorn, brownies, and baked potatoes in their skins.

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Jack Dawson in first grade

20th century studios

Recipe: Salmon with mousseline sauce.

This dish was served during the last dinner on the ship, immediately after Olga said with barley cream. Mousseline is a sauce made from egg yolk, melted butter, lemon juice, salt and pepper, cream and tarragon, which can enhance the fresh taste of fish.



  • 4 tablespoons butter, plus more for dish
  • 4 fresh salmon fillets, 170 g each
  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • Salt and black pepper
  • 4 large sprigs fresh tarragon


  • 3 large egg yolks
  • 220 g melted butter
  • 2 large sprigs fresh tarragon
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt
  • 120 ml fresh whipping cream


To prepare the salmon, preheat the oven to 190°C. Grease a baking dish large enough to hold the fillets.

Place the fish skin side down in the pan. Drizzle lemon juice over the fish, then add salt and pepper and finally a spoonful of butter and a sprig of tarragon on each fillet.

Bake approx. 40 minutes until the fish is tender. Place salmon on a serving plate.

Meanwhile, prepare the sauce. Whisk the egg yolks and 2 tablespoons melted butter in a saucepan over low heat. Coarsely chop the tarragon to release its flavor and add it to the pan. Slowly add the remaining butter, one teaspoon at a time, stirring continuously for approx. 5 minutes until the sauce is thick, creamy and glossy. Add the lemon juice and salt and continue stirring for another 5 minutes or so until the sauce is thick and perfectly blended. Remove sauce from heat.

In a large bowl, beat the cream with a mixer on medium speed for approx. 5 minutes until soft mounds form. Slowly whisk the cream into the sauce.

Drizzle a little of the sauce over the fish on a serving plate and serve the remaining sauce in a separate gravy boat or jug.

COOK’S TIP: When preparing the sauce, do not add too much cream so as not to tear it. Beating egg yolks over too high heat can also cause them to cook.

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