Influenza incidence dropped by nearly 50% in Murcia last week

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 1:02 pm

According to the latest epidemiological surveillance report released by the Ministry of Health on Tuesday, the incidence of influenza in the Murcia region fell by 49.4% last week. COVID-19 has decreased by 50%, and bronchitis and bronchiolitis have decreased by 34.9%. In short, there has been an overall decline in acute respiratory infections, with their incidence falling by 35% globally.

The influenza A epidemic peaked in early January. Since then, it has been in a stabilizing phase, and the data in this latest report suggest that it has begun a declining phase. This was common behavior in seasonal influenza epidemics prior to the pandemic. Between 2020 and 2022, the new coronavirus replaced the influenza virus, but now the latter is restoring its “ecological niche” and coexisting with SARS-CoV-2.

Although the situation is improving, the Ministry of Health will maintain the mandatory use of masks in health centers for the time being. The Ministry of Health has determined that communities can convert this obligation into recommendations after two consecutive weeks of declines in acute respiratory infection rates. This means the Department of Health will review the measure if new drops are confirmed next week.

The Ministry of Health made the use of masks compulsory on January 6, the same day it announced its intention to propose the measure at an interregional committee. Unable to reach consensus, the central government unilaterally approved the measure on the 10th.

The Ministry of Health reminds that influenza vaccination activities are still open to everyone. Requests can be made at the health center and offices without an appointment.

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