Inspired by The Blind Side, now Michael Oher is suing his parents: ‘They just wanted my money’

Who is a fan NFL, for sure, knows the story of Michael Oher very well. Today alone titled athlete but in the past and before his well-deserved fame, he was a difficult boy who did not have a peaceful childhood. A story that, in 2009, was also told in a film called Blind area, so successful with the public that it even allowed Sandra Bullock to win an Academy Award for her performance. But as La Repubblica reports, the true story of the former troubled boy-turned-American football star hides a fuzzy backstory that casts both light and shadow on the story.

Michael Oher himself would condemn Sean and Lee Ann Tuohy, his alleged benefactors, because, according to the player, they would “take advantage of his turbulent history” to cash in on his fragility. son of one alcoholic mother and drug addict fatherless killed while he was in prison, Oher was a very restless boy, saved only by his talent. A talent that the couple would use for less altruistic purposes. Indeed Oher claims to have signed several documents when he was under the wing of Sean and Lee. However, these documents were not sent for adoption, but in fact it was “guardianship”, or guardianship. This is a practice similar to that used by the father of Britney Spears.

Michelle recently discovered teasing. Today he is married, he is 37 years old, he has four children and, in addition, he is penniless. In addition to this, he would have known that he would not have a legal relationship with two spouses. As follows from the documents submitted to court, the couple “would remove all legal authority over Michael’s life and even over the use of his name”. Lawyers say the couple did it all for the money.

Oher calls for the abolition of guardianship, but hopes to getinjunction this prevents the couple from further using his name and his story, claiming compensation for amounts they never used, in addition to moral damages. A real pouring rain for American public opinion, which believed in kindness of mind Sean and Lee. And now? What’s going on with the film? Because of the news that caught everyone’s eyes, people on the net are so furious that they demand that Bullock return the Oscar. Meanwhile, the Tuohys defend themselves and claim that it didn’t “just happen”.

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