Israel and Hamas agree to extend the truce for another day

Israeli police attack grieving families demanding Netanyahu’s resignation

Businessman Maoz Yanun (60) complained about attacks by Israeli police forces against him and some other members of grieving Jewish families who lost loved ones in the Hamas attack, at a demonstration in which called for the resignation of the government and its leader, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Yanun said this attack renewed his pain that has not healed since the killing of his parents at the hands of Hamas, but he is not surprised that “the police are trying to suppress any dissenting voices, as in all dictatorial countries.” .

It seems that he and his companions only wanted to raise their voices in protest; In honor of the victims who were killed due to government policy and negligence, but who were confronted by policemen who showed evil in their eyes and acted with hatred and malice.

A demonstration in Tel Aviv called by the mothers of hostages kidnapped by Hamas during a temporary truce on Thursday (Reuters)

This group of families living in the cities surrounding Gaza had set up a sit-in tent in front of the Knesset “Parliament” headquarters in West Jerusalem, they took turns and attracted more and more solidarity day by day.

On Wednesday evening, a Knesset member from the ruling coalition walked past them, so they tried to block his way, asking him to get out and talk to them. He didn’t care and continued on his way. A few minutes later, police officers attacked them and confiscated the banners they were carrying.

Participating in this protest were: Maoz Yanun, whose parents were; Belha, the well-known painter, and Yacobi Yanun, were killed when a Hamas member fired an RPG rocket he was carrying during the attack on October 7 last year. The missile caused the wooden house to burn while they were inside.

Maoz is one of the best-known peace activists in Israel. He lived for several years in the Arab city of Nazareth with his wife and three children and founded several tourist houses there which he still owns. “Hamas”, but he also considers the Israeli government, with its anti-peace policy, responsible for the occurrence of The victims are Jews and Arabs in the Gaza Strip.

Yael Alon attended the event; She is a woman who has been bereaved twice; Her father was killed in the October 1973 war and her son was killed in the Hamas attack on the village of Kfar Azza. She regularly participates in demonstrations against Netanyahu and used to hoist a banner reading: “My father was killed in the failure of 73, and my son was killed in the failure of 23.” “Bibi (Netanyahu) and the doom government are on trial.” A policeman attacked her, took her banner and tore it up hysterically.

Israeli soldiers walk among photos of people captured or killed by Hamas militants at the Super Nova music festival, October 7 (AFP)

Also participating in the Hamas attack was Yaakov Godot, whose son Tom was killed while working in the kitchen in the dining room of Kibbutz Kissufim, and he also carried a sign reading: “Tom was killed in Kissufim.” “Netanyahu is accused.” A policeman also attacked him and tore down the banner.

Ayelet Katzir was also arrested; She is a peace activist who joined the sit-in as a sign of solidarity. When she complained about these attacks to the police officer, they detained her for several hours, then released her after informing her that she was “suspected of assaulting a policeman while carrying out her and incitement to rebellion.”

Alon said: “It is clear that there is no longer any respect in Israel for a family that has lost one of its members in war. My son was killed and no one cares. The speeches about “united people” and “together we win” are a big lie: they join those who participate in the hysterical frenzy of war, but those who want peace so that no more victims fall attack them and try to threaten them.

Police said they allowed the demonstration “until the protesters started obstructing traffic in the street in front of the people’s elected representatives (representatives), then we dispersed them without violence.”

But the protesters defied the police by releasing the tape, which one of them filmed, and clearly shows how the police used violence and behaved brutally.

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