ISSSTE, a prevention strategy dedicated to the eradication of hepatitis C

  • Promote preventive measures, timely detection and access to specific treatments
  • To avoid new infections and reduce the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma and cirrhosis in diagnosed patients, the target
  • Viral hepatitis B and C, although preventable, affect 323 million people worldwide each year and cause 1.1 million deaths.

Mexico City, July 28, 2023. – The National Institute for Worker Safety and Social Services (Issste) added actions to the National Strategy for the Elimination of Hepatitis C, promoting preventive and timely detection actions, especially for those at risk in the gastrointestinal Pathologist José Armando Carmona Castañeda tells us that these factors.

On World Hepatitis Day, he noted that hepatitis B and C virus infections can become chronic, as many years, even decades, pass without symptoms; the greatest risk is progression to hepatocellular carcinoma or cirrhosis ; therefore, it is very important to reduce the impact of this situation.

“At ISSSTE, we are doing more to promote reproductive health and the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases through self-protection measures such as the use of male and female condoms, which, when used correctly, can prevent the transmission of hepatitis C.”

Timely detection of this virus mutation is crucial to increasing the chances of a cure. ISSSTE has a rapid test for hepatitis C that is mainly for people with certain risk factors, such as having multiple sexual partners, having unprotected sex, using some kind of barrier method, or having received a blood transfusion before 1992 when it was detected Experts point out that viruses in donated blood are not standardized for such diseases.

With regard to blood-borne precautions, in addition to developing virus testing protocols when analyzing donated blood, medical and nursing staff are continuously trained on the precautions they must take when handling sharps, syringes, working with blood and blood derivatives and care, and application of methods for the proper disposal of all materials that have come into contact with these fluids.

Stressing that the universal vaccination program includes the hepatitis B vaccine, which is required from birth to the first months of life, he advises parents to be vigilant in protecting their sons and daughters from the disease and to long-term protection of their health. Complications, in addition to receiving this benefit at the Preventive Medicine Service of the medical unit.

When referring to these symptoms, the ISSSTE gastroenterologist clarified that it should be taken into account that they are not specific but suspicious.

He suggested that when patients have symptoms such as fever, headache, diarrhea, yellow complexion, yellow eyes, etc., do not self-medicate and ask a doctor for evaluation; if infection with A, B or C viruses is suspected, diagnostic tests are necessary and Develop an individualized treatment plan.

He emphasized that ISSSTE has specific treatments for hepatitis B that can last from a week to two years or more, depending on the situation. Hepatitis C is curable if caught early, and the institute has new direct-acting antiviral therapies that can last for eight and 12 weeks with good remission rates of over 90%.

He stated that hepatitis, especially the B and C viruses, has a significant global public health impact; although they are preventable, they affect 323 million people worldwide and cause 1.1 million deaths each year.

Based on data from June 2021 newsletter volume. 2. Ministry of Health National Plan for Elimination of Hepatitis C No. 2 In Mexico, 400,000 to 600,000 people suffer from the disease, many of whom are unaware that they have it from it.

ISSSTE reaffirms its commitment to strengthen health education and promote legal preventive measures to avoid new cases and increase opportunities for early detection and treatment.

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